Course description
BA Viking Studies
Year one
You are introduced to literary, linguistic, historical and archaeological evidence for the Viking Age and its subsequent perception. You are required to take introductory modules in the methodology of historians and archaeologists and receive an introduction to the language and literary culture of England in the first millennium. Optional modules can be taken in language history, archaeology or medieval history.
Year two
You will take core modules in the Viking Age, the relationship between Vikings and other people of medieval Europe, such as Anglo-Saxons and Franks as described in historical sources, as well as modules in the archaeology of Medieval Britain and Celtic Britain and Ireland. A wide range of optional modules allows you to expand your knowledge of research methodologies and topics in medieval studies and you have the opportunity to study abroad for one semester at the University of Oslo.
Year three
You take core modules in Learning Old Norse, regional archaeology of Britain and Ireland, as well as political developments in Anglo-Saxon England. Optional modules include the study of place names, history of the English language, Dark Age masculinities, as well as an opportunity to complete a piece of original research in the history, language or archaeology of the Viking Age.