Comments about BA Archaeology and Biblical Studies - At the institution - Sheffield - South Yorkshire
Biblical Studies is a flexible programme that allows you to study the ancient civilizations that contributed to the development of the Bible and their languages, including Hebrew and Greek, alongside the use of the Bible in contemporary society, including politics, art, film, literature, and music.
Entry requirements
-GCE/VCE A Levels - BBC -BTEC National Diploma - 3 Distinctions and 3 Merits -Two GCE A Levels plus two GCE AS Levels - BC+BB -Scottish Highers - AABB -Irish Leaving Cert. - ABBBB -International Baccalaureate - 32 points -Lower offers may be made to applicants with relevant prior experience. Mature students are very welcome (OU credits or validated Access courses and other courses are acceptable).
Academic title
Archaeology and Biblical Studies BA
Course description
This is a list of modules that have been offered in the past. We expect similar modules to be offered for courses starting in 2009.
Typical First Year Modules
-De-coding the Bible
-European Classical Civilisations
-From Creation to Revelation: The Bible's Founding Narrative
-World Civilisations
Typical Second Year Modules
-Research Skills in Archaeology
-Thinking through Archaeology
-Archaeology and Text
-Archaology of the Graeco-Roman World
-Early Historic Europe
-From Households to Empires
-Greek Texts
-Hebrew Texts
-Later Prehistoric Europe
-Paul and His World
-Reconstructing Ancient Landscapes
-The Bible and Archaeology
-The Bible and Gender
-The Bible and Images of Christ
-The Bible and the Fourfold Gospel
-The Bible and the Historical Imagination
-The Bible and the Literary Imagination
-The Bible and the Poetry of the Erotic (Song of Songs)
-The Bible and the Prophetic VIsion
-The Bible and the Tragic Vision (Samuel)
Typical Third Year Modules
-Dissertation (Archaeology and Biblical Studies)
-Archaeology and Texts in the Age of Homer
-Archaeology, Ethnicity and Nationalism
-Athens, Empire and the Classical Greek World
-Dark Age Britain
-Death and Burial in Anglo-Saxon and Medieval England
-Funerary Archaeology
-Imaging God
-Mediterranean Landscapes
-Paul and His World
-Rome: Capital, Hinterland and Periphery
-Social Transformations in Britain From the 4th to 2nd Millennium BC
-Swords and Sorcery: Northern Europe 1000 BC-AD 500
-The Bible and Archaeology
-The Bible and Field Archaeology
-The Bible and Gender
-The Bible and Perspectives on Paul
-The Bible and Theology
-The Bible and the Liberation of the Oppressed (Exodus)
-The Bible and the Poetry of the Erotic (Song of Songs)
-The Bible and the Tragic Vision (1 Samuel)
-Work Place Learning