Architecture and Construction - Research, MPhil-PhD

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Comments about Architecture and Construction - Research, MPhil-PhD - At the institution - Greenwich - Greater London

  • Entry requirements
    Entry Requirements Each case is considered on its merits. Normally a good 2.1 or better undergraduate degree in a related field is required for registration on MPhil
  • Academic title
    Architecture and Construction - Research, MPhil/PhD
  • Course description
    There are three research groups in the School, covering Sustainable Buildings, Sustainable Environments and Design.

    Normally, students initially register for an MPhil. After approximately 1 to 1.5 years, the student submits a comprehensive transfer report in order to be considered for transfer to PhD. Upon acceptance of the transfer report, the student is permitted to continue to completion of the PhD.


    MPhil/PhD opportunities are available across the range of activities within the School of Architecture & Construction but generally should be based on the areas related to the three research groups:

        * Sustainable Buildings: Examines the balance between the constraints on building – technical, architectural, social and economic – and effective decision-making at the post-construction phase of a building
        * Sustainable Environments: Focuses on regeneration, redevelopment, design and planning of urban and rural areas
        * Design: Incorporates architectural history, landscape and environmental design, architectural design theory and practic

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