Course description
This programme brings students to the final stage of their architectural training. Upon successful completion, candidates can apply to join the UK's register of architects.
The programme is rooted in the description, explanation and analysis of aspects of current professional practice. It also demands that students examine and debate their own methods of working in the light of taught input. Consequently, applicants must be engaged in full-time architectural practice in the UK and fully prepared to share their experience with their cohort.
There are mechanisms to allow students, upon written request, to break their studies for personal or professional reasons. This can be done at certain set milestones in the programme, provided agreement has been obtained from the School.
* The Architect and Society
* Architectural Management
* Construction Management
* Case Study
* Janus Paper and Viva
Four written papers, presentations, an essay evaluating the student’s professional development in the light of past experience and future career plans, a case study on one of student’s current projects and a viva, the professional interview with experienced examiners
Exemption from ARB and RIBA Part 3 examinations
Career Options