Course description
Core course: designed to provide information about the various processes involved in undertaking archaeological projects, from prospecting for sites through to the stages of analysis and publication.
Four specialist modules from a range including:
-Geophysical Survey
-Post-Excavation and Publication
-Interpretation and Presentation of Archaeological Sites and Monuments
-Field Survey
-Experimental Archaeology
-Archaeological Draughtsmanship
-Animal Bones in Archaeology
-Human Bones and Archaeology
-Recording Standing Buildings.
Dissertation on an archaeological subject of your choice, with appropriate advice as necessary.
Lectures, seminars and tutorials. Some parts of the degree are taught on archaeological sites and in similar settings.
Assessed assignments for core course and option modules, and a 12,000-word dissertation.
When to apply
Early application recommended.
Interviews May to September.
Study resources
Teaching occurs in a wide range of learning environments, including survey projects, excavations, classroom sessions, museum visits and field trips.
Visits are complemented by seminars with practising archaeologists, and you will also gain a thorough grounding in archaeological artefacts, taught by leading specialists.
Special features
Extensive use of archaeological sites in London and southern England.
Practising field archaeologists teach on, and help oversee, the degree.
A combined core and module framework facilitates concentrated learning and hands-on archaeological experience for part-time students.