Memoir Writing - Course

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Memoir Writing - Course

  • Course description

    Need help, guidance, and a structured approach to whip your memoirs into shape, or a guide to begin writing them – then this is the course for you!

    Memoir, or Life writing is an increasingly popular genre, either in published format, or as a way of recording lives for the family, and future generations.  The memoir-writing course stimulates and develops writing based on personal experience and with literary purpose. It will focus on all elements of the genre including characterisation, plot, dialogue and description that can be built upon. Most importantly it will make space for writing.

    By the end of the course students will have conducted a body of research pertinent to the events and time they wish to explore, and they will have built up a collection of pieces which will serve as a structure for a full length memoir.

    Each session will focus on an element of memoir writing and the exercises will encourage development of writing skills, imagination and an awareness of what makes a good memoir read.

    The tutor who will also offer objective advice for skill development will highlight each individual student’s strengths.

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