Wound Healing and Tissue Repair (MSc-Diploma)

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Wound Healing and Tissue Repair (MSc-Diploma)

  • Objectives The aim of this course is to enable individuals to explore and analyse existing and developing theories and concepts that underpin wound healing and tissue repair, facilitating professional and personal growth, building upon the individual's wide range of educational and vocational experience and developing their ability to become life-long learners.

    At the completion of the programme, students will have increased their theoretical knowledge and developed critical independence, contributing through research and scholarship to the development of knowledge and an evidence-base relating to their individual profession.
  • Practical experience Entry Requirements:

    The minimum requirement for the Postgraduate Diploma/MSc in Wound Healing and Tissue Repair is a first degree from an approved UK or overseas University, or a recognised professional qualification. This requirement may be waived for candidates with relevant professional experience (a minimum of two years experience in a position of responsibility relevant to the programme). Applications are therefore considered from doctors, nurses, pharmacists, podiatrists and other professionals who meet the above criteria.
  • Academic title Wound Healing and Tissue Repair (MSc/Diploma)
  • Course description Course Description:

    The Postgraduate Diploma/MSc in Wound Healing and Tissue Repair an inter-disciplinary, part-time, distance learning programme designed in a modular format. Study blocks will consist of: introduction to e-learning on the Internet and using your individual home page; introduction to study skills, library resources and tutorial support; introduction to course work and assignment briefs; lead lectures – introduction to module content and theory; group interactive sessions - via workshop, discussions, case presentation; private and group tutorials; course committee meetings - providing an ongoing evaluation of course.

    Between study blocks, students are supported by online personal and group tutorials in chat room sessions, and personal tutorials by email or telephone. In addition, there are dedicated Distance Learning Library Support staff to ensure students are able to access necessary databases and full-text journals. The online information and resources are constantly updated for students to access through Bulletin Boards.

    Module information (all modules are compulsory)

        * Module One: Biology of Wound Healing - The student will explore, in greater depth, some, or all areas of the pathophysiology of wound healing process.
        * Module Two: Behavioural (Psycho-social) Aspects of Wound Healing - Designed to introduce the student to the application of some psychological and sociological concepts to include the effect of stress on health and the role of social support and coping strategies used by individuals
        * Module Three: Research Design and Methods - Allows students to examine a range of theoretical and practical aspects of research design and methods which are particularly applicable to the subject of wound healing.
        * Module Four: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors Influencing Healing - Designed to introduce the student to factors that may influence or delay the healing process.
        * Module Five: Assessment and Diagnosis - Introduces the practitioner to a variety of assessment and diagnostic techniques which can provide a structured approach to the management of patients with wounds.
        * Module Six: Management of Acute Wounds - This module reviews the management of wounds caused by surgery, trauma or thermal injury. Students have the option of studying one of the three wound types.
        * Module Seven: Management of Chronic Wounds - This module will emphasise preventative and pro-active care of chronic wounds such as pressure ulcers, leg ulcers and diabetic foot ulcers. Students have the option of studying one of the three wound types.
        * Module Eight: Values and Priorities in Wound Care - Explores theoretical and practical concepts of those wider political and economic issues of health service delivery incorporating reference to equitable and effective health resource allocation.


    Assessment is via coursework and dissertation. Coursework consists of an assignment of 2,500 words and a moderated discussion forum of 500 words for modules 1-2 and 4-8.  An assignment of 2000 words is required for Module 3. 

    Both parts of the assessment must be passed in order to qualify for the Master’s degree. Students who successfully complete all modules in Part 1 with a pass mark of 50% and over will be eligible to enter Part 2 and proceed towards the Master’s degree. Students who successfully complete the modules in Part 1 but do not wish to proceed to Part 2 may be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma.
    Special features:

        * Unique course - first conceived as a Postgraduate Diploma in 1996 and extended to a Master of Science (MSc) in 1999
        * The course has attracted healthcare professionals from the field of nursing, medicine, pharmacy, podiatry and the pharmaceutical industry, and offers the opportunity to study at a distance alongside an international group of professionals from countries such as Ireland, Holland, Italy, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and New Zealand
        * On-line submission of both assignments and course evaluations, together with access to individual marks enabling students to track their progress
        * Communication via student's own individual homepage
        * Private and Group tutorials in the form of chat room sessions are arranged to encourage both lecturer and peer support and to suit students in different time zones

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