Teaching Pupils with Dyslexia (Postgraduate Certificate)

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Teaching Pupils with Dyslexia (Postgraduate Certificate)

  • Entry requirements Standard Entry The entry requirement for this programme is normally an honours degree or Cert Ed (former school teaching qualification). Candidates with ordinary degrees or non degree level professional qualifications will be considered upon application.
  • Academic title Teaching Pupils with Dyslexia (Postgraduate Certificate)
  • Course description COURSE INFORMATION

    This programme gives participants the opportunity to develop their expertise in the area of Dyslexia. It has been designed to meet both individual and organisational needs of school teachers working in all phases of compulsory education.

    The programme will enhance existing provision, which currently provides opportunities for the professional development of teachers who seek to engage in Masters level work.

    The guidance and insight provided by this programme will enable teachers to combine knowledge, understanding, skills and techniques in such a way that theory and practice are integrated to enhance the learning of pupils with specific learning difficulties (SpLD) - Dyslexia.

    The programme enables the participant to develop their professional skills and reflect upon and evaluate the impact of specialised approaches across the key stages. It will provide opportunities for participants to reflect upon and critically analyse the wider issues with regard to working with pupils with Dyslexia in schools. Upon successful completion of the Postgraduate Certificate successful participants can transfer onto the Postgraduate Diploma / MA in Education Studies.

    The key aim of the programme is to establish the conditions and standards for rigorous critical enquiry and discourse and so to extend the criteria for judging taken-for-granted assumptions underlying educational policy and practice. The programme will enable participants to develop an increasing respect for evidence and discourse and the capacity to initiate and sustain change, both in their own practice and more generally within their professional context.

    The specific aims of the programme are to enable the participant, within the context of their work based setting to:

        * Identify, locate, manage and appraise literature relevant to their enquiry.
        * Recognise the key features of practice relating to SpLD (Dyslexia) with particular reference to current initiatives.
        * Evaluate the effectiveness of a range of teaching interventions.

    Year 1 Modules

    AA0113 Foundations, Philosophies and Policies of Enquiry (CORE, 20 Credits)

    TE0713 The Theory & Practice of Identification and Assessment (CORE, 20 Credits)

    AA0113 Foundations, Philosophies and Policies of Enquiry (CORE, 20 Credits)

    TE0714 Teaching pupils with SpLD (Dyslexia): Theory into practice (CORE, 20 Credits)
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