Supervision of Counselling and the Helping Professions PGCert

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Supervision of Counselling and the Helping Professions PGCert

  • Entry requirements Entry requirements: Candidates must have satisfactorily completed a recognised counselling qualification or professional training, or be appropriately experienced in their field. Candidates must be experienced practitioners and have been practicing under supervision for a minimum of two years. To fulfil the course requirements candidates must also be acting as supervisor to at least one supervisee by the time the course starts and be able to anticipate recruiting another two.
  • Academic title Supervision of Counselling and the Helping Professions PGCert
  • Course description Course description
    This course is for experienced health professionals, such as counsellors, teachers, psychologists and those in pastoral care. It aims to: provide a framework for participants to explore and develop a firm theoretical base for supervision practice; develop supervision theory and practice tailored to the setting in which practice will be undertaken; provide a recognised qualification; prepare participants for professional accreditation and access to a final year MA course.

    Teaching and learning
    We aim to build a learning community of people who are already supervising in their own work setting and who are seeking to develop this further. Course tutors regard themselves as part of that community, but with a different role from course members in that they will take responsibility for design, structure, input and leadership. Course tutors are in continuing practice as counsellors and supervisors and regard this as an essential element of their role.

    Progression and assessment

    -Assessment 1 (Theory) A long essay of not less than 3000 words and not more than 4000 words on the course member's theory and practice of supervision, presented at the beginning of the third semester.
    -Assessment 2 (Practice) An audio recording of approximately 30 minutes of a supervisory interview, transcribed with a written process commentary, presented at the end of first semester
    -Assessment 3 (Application) An in vivo session of about 40 minutes of the course member supervising another course member's work. This will be reviewed in a small group of peers with course tutor. This skills assessment will take place during the second semester.

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