Specialist Studies BSc (Hons)

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Specialist Studies BSc (Hons)

  • Entry requirements 120 credits at levels 1 and 2, plus a minimum of six months’ contemporary practice experience in the specialist area, and managerial support.
  • Academic title Specialist Studies BSc (Hons)
  • Course description Course overview

    This level-3 activity provides an opportunity to study specialist aspects of practice.

    You will develop specialist core skills and gain professional role development within one of the following areas: acute and high dependency care; intensive care; emergency/urgent care; long-term conditions; cardiac care; respiratory care; renal care; cancer care; palliative care; neonatal care; women’s health; sexual health; and older adult care.

    In addition, you will have an opportunity to undertake a core skills module in a related specialism. Your degree title will reflect your chosen approved specialism.

    This course enables you to develop your professional skills, knowledge and competences within a planned career development. Developmental opportunities for band 5, 6 and 7 practitioners are accommodated within the course.

    Specialist work-based learning and activity is supported through a specialist route and module leader.

    Course content

    The course consists of six 15-credit modules, plus a 30-credit research project module.

    The modules include: specialist core skills in your chosen speciality; contemporary issues; communications and role development; specialist role development; preparation for research; optional specialist module; and a research project.

    The course is very practice-based, allowing you to develop your skills in care settings whilst supervised by expert role models. You will begin your studies with a three-month module which provides you with an opportunity to expand your specialist care skills.

    You will have a competency framework that allows you to negotiate your developmental needs, matched against your KSF and appraisal objectives.

    Flexible opportunities are available to allow interprofessional study. Instead of the contemporary issues module you will undertake a 15-credit module entitled 'Working Interprofessionally’.

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