Soil Scientist Apprenticeship with MSc in Soil Science

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Soil Scientist Apprenticeship with MSc in Soil Science

  • Course description The importance of sustainable and resilient soil management has surged in recent years. Soils, and their delivery of critical goods and services, are a fundamental asset for the health, sustainability, and resilience of the terrestrial environment, its ecosystems, as well as the longevity and productivity of society. Recently, there has been widespread recognition from researchers, industry, and policy arenas of the burgeoning pressures faced by soils, and the urgency needed to deploy robust land management strategies to address these.

    Co-designed by UK industry, the Soil Scientist Apprenticeship will equip and upskill organisations with the knowledge, understanding, tools, practices, and resources to achieve optimal soil management. It will deepen your knowledge of soils across diverse land-use contexts, delve into cutting-edge technologies for effective decision-making, showcase best practice in analysing soils on and off site, and help you build the personal competencies you need as a soil scientist.

    Our Soil Scientist Apprenticeship meets the requirements of the Level 7 Soil Scientist Apprenticeship Standard, enabling graduates to perform effectively as professional soil scientists in a competitive ad fast changing environment.
    On completion of the programme, you will acquire a Soil Scientist Apprenticeship and a Master’s Degree in Soil Science. You will also attain Technical Membership of the British Society of Soil Science, and you will be eligible to apply for Chartered Scientist status.

    This part-time course is primarily delivered online, with students coming together twice annually for week-long residentials at Cranfield. The course meets the requirements of the Soil Scientist Level 7 Apprenticeship Standard. Eligible organisations are able to use £21,000 of their Apprenticeship Levy towards the £23,282 fees.
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