Sociology and Media Studies BSc

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Sociology and Media Studies BSc

  • Academic title Sociology and Media Studies BSc
  • Course description This popular degree course offers units on the media, particularly broadcasting and the press, in both a national and global context. It leans towards the sociology of the media, but also includes viewpoints from cultural, film, television and literary studies. It complements the sociology scheme, and as such is not a practical media skills course.

    The course consists of approximately half sociology and half media studies. During the first introductory year, students choose four modules of 30 credits each. Everyone takes Introduction to Sociology, Sociology Workshop and Introduction to Media Studies. You also choose another 30 credits from a wide range of options including modules in criminology, international politics, psychology, economics and modern languages.

    Modules: BSc Sociology and Media Studies

    Year 1

    The course consists of approximately half Sociology and half Media Studies. During the first introductory year, students choose four modules of 30 credits each. Everyone takes Introduction to Sociology, Sociology Workshop and Introduction to Media Studies. You also choose another 30 credits from a wide range of modules.

    Core modules:

        * Introduction to Sociology
        * Sociology Workshop
        * Introduction to Media Studies

    Optional modules include:

        * Introduction to Criminology
        * Topics in Applied Microeconomics
        * Topics in Applied Macroeconomics
        * Introduction to Microeconomics
        * Introduction to Macroeconomics
        * History and Theory in Psychology
        * Lifespan Psychology
        * Theories of Global Politics
        * Global Political Issues in the Late Twentieth Century
        * International Organisations in Global Politics

    Year 2

    During the second year you go on to specialise in more advanced topics in sociology and media studies, with four core modules of 30 credits each, two from sociology and two from media studies.

    Core modules:

        * Theories and Research Strategies in Contemporary Sociology

    Core elective modules:

        * New Media Challenges
        * News and Society
        * Media, Culture and Society

    Elective modules:

        * Key Issues in Criminology
        * Media, Crime and Criminal Justice
        * Understanding Social Change
        * Culture, Community and Identity
        * Political Sociology

    Year 3

    In the final year, you choose three modules of 30 credits each, as well as completing your final year project.
    Core modules:

        * World Media Industry
        * The Information Society

    Elective modules include:

        * Sociology of Race and Racism
        * Migration, Refugees and Globalisation
        * Gender and Society
        * Sociology and Sexualities
        * Policing: Theory and Practice
        * Victims, Crime and Society
        * Youth, Crime and Society
        * Globalisation, Social Difference and Human Rights

    Duration of course

    3 years


    Teaching is through a combination of lectures covering the main theories, concepts and ideas associated with each module and classes/workshops which follow on from the lectures, revisiting the more difficult topics, conducting problem solving and applications sessions and allowing greater opportunity for students to reflect on their understanding of the material through discussion. Some teaching occurs computer laboratories so students can learn about the specialist software SPSS. Assessed work is in the form of essays and presentations.


    You will be assessed throughout the programme by coursework and by examinations. In the final year there is also an assessed research project. Your final degree classification will depend on results from coursework and examinations in your first, second and final years.
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