Short Course - Introduction to Explosives IV

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Short Course - Introduction to Explosives IV

  • Entry requirements National Security Statement
  • Course description Although explosive-related incidents are rare, the consequences can be severe.  This section describes the legal, economic and moral issues that form the foundations of safety.  It goes on to discuss the UK laws and regulations starting with general legislation, moving on to safety-specific then to explosive-specific regulations.  The intention is not to teach regulations word by word, but to give you an overview of the legal framework.  Finally, it looks at how the MOD is regulated by Joint Service Papers.  While the focus is on UK legislation and practice, the principles apply in many countries and the legal framework is often similar.

    By the end of this section you will be able to:

        * state the main safety issues and the consequences of a lack of safety
        * state the international, European and UK legislative framework affecting safety and explosives
        * cite and paraphrase the main UK laws and codes of practice affecting safety, including the safety of explosives
        * explain the levels of UK MOD Joint Service Papers affecting safety, in particular the safety of explosives.

    Course length

    Students who enrol on this section have 4 weeks in which to complete it (the actual time it takes to work through the section is about an hour if you have the necessary technical/chemical knowledge)


    This is a fully distance learning course (you are not entitled to visit the Shrivenham campus)

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