Quaternary Science Master in Science by Research

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Quaternary Science Master in Science by Research

  • Objectives (a) Provide students with substantive knowledge and understanding of a variety of methods, techniques and approaches that support research into Quaternary Science (b) Allow and encourage students to pursue a sustained programme of original research in an appropriate field of enquiry (c) Develop a range of professional competencies and personal transferable skills that will enable students to pursue a variety of employment opportunities or to continue with more advanced research programmes.
  • Entry requirements Successful applicants must normally hold at least a lower second Honours degree in a related subject. Applicants with a lower class of degree and/or from outside of these areas will be considered individually and are usually interviewed prior to being offered a place. Applicants without a first degree, but who have relevant work experience, are also considered on an individual basis.
  • Academic title Quaternary Science Master in Science by Research
  • Course description The Quaternary is the last 2.5MA of Earth history. During this time profound changes have occurred in the climate of the Earth, ranging from major ice advances to temperate phases warmer than the present. Quaternary Science is a diverse mix of concepts and techniques which seek to reconstruct, date and account for these radical changes of environment.

    Future prospects

    The Masters by Research Programme in Quaternary Science will be taken by students with an interest in palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and Quaternary climate change over a variety of time spans. The programme will equip students with the skills to progress to MPhil/PhD programmes in Quaternary Science or to employment in government agencies (English Nature, Countryside Commission) and environmental archaeology.

    Course content

    The course is designed to equip students with the theoretical background and research skills to carry out a substantive piece of research in a chosen aspect of Quaternary Science.

    Potential research projects include:

    palaeoenvironmental reconstruction using palaeobotany (pollen analysis and plant macrofossils), Mollusca or Ostracoda, sedimentary analysis of cold or warm stage deposits, mapping of river terrace or glacial landforms, determination of former sea-levels from raised shorelines.
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