Public Administration (MPA)

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Public Administration (MPA)

  • Objectives To offer knowledge and expertise for career development in public sector management. This will include an awareness of the key issues confronting public service managers, the development of competence in key managerial disciplines, and an in-depth education in the latest relevant public management research.

    The MPA will be of interest to experienced managers working across the public services - from local and central government to health and police services - whether employed in the public, private or voluntary sectors.
  • Entry requirements Entry Requirements:

    The course is suitable for experienced managers working in a public service environment who are seeking a formal academic qualification in management. Normally, at least two years of managerial work experience in an organisation closely aligned to the focus of the programme will be necessary for admission.

    Additionally, they should have one of the following:

    * A good first degree
    * Equivalent professional training in any core public service
    * In exceptional circumstances, neither of the above, but at least five years of managerial work experience in a public service environment
  • Academic title Public Administration (MPA)
  • Course description Course Details:

    The taught stages of the  programme are delivered part-time over two years through three-day teaching sessions scheduled every other month. Students study core modules in a range of management areas, with a focus on the public sector. Students are also required to complete a project-based dissertation in their third year of study.

    Teaching on the MPA will be led by staff from the University's Centre for Local & Regional Government Research - internationally recognised experts in public service management - who have links with policy makers at the highest levels in the UK and Welsh Assembly Governments. All staff are actively engaged in research, consultancy and evaluation projects focussed on the modernisation and improvement of public services.

    Special Features:

        * A research-led career development degree delivered by experienced researchers of international standing
        * A part-time, 'block' delivery pattern which is convenient to those in employment working some distance from the University
        * The programme enjoys wide support from a range of employers in the Welsh public sector

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