Postgraduate Human Resources in Health

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Postgraduate Human Resources in Health

  • Objectives The programme aims to provide individuals with specialist knowledge and skills in the areas of human resource policy-making, planning and management. It is expected that participants will gain sufficient expertise to function as a technical focus for human resource development in traditional health service structures, as well as in health sector reform. The programme also includes training in the broader skills of health planning and management sufficient for graduates to qualify for a wide range of management posts.
  • Entry requirements For the MSc degree, these are: • Honours degree or professional qualification • Record of personal achievement and/or the potential to aspire to leadership functions in the human resource field • 5 years’ of professional experience • Competency in spoken and written English Students who do not meet all the MSc requirements will be enrolled onto the Diploma course and those who perform well in this programme may be transferred onto the MSc programme.
  • Academic title MSc and Postgraduate Diploma Human Resources in Health
  • Course description Full-Time study


    Based at Keele University in Staffordshire, the Centre is specifically concerned with the planning and management of health services. Created in 1986, it is acknowledged as an important research and development centre and a major provider of innovative postgraduate teaching.

    The research and development activities of the Centre operate under three broad categories: Health Policy, Health Services Management and Health Services Research. The teaching programmes focus on strengthening the managerial capacity sensitivity to policy of health service personnel, both in the UK and internationally.

    In all areas of work, the Centre has established a proven track record of quality and innovation. Its achievements have earned the Centre a well-deserved reputation for its significant contribution to understanding contemporary issues and for quality of its publications. Building on its success, the Centre is continually developing further areas of excellence in order to enhance the relevance and effectiveness of its activities.

    Course Structure and Content

    The programme is delivered in two parts:

    • A structured series of five taught modules, each of 25 M level credits (125 credits)
    • A research project in the field of human resources leading to the writing of a dissertation (60 credits)

    In addition, in order to be allowed to proceed to the MSc research project stage, students must have completed the key skills for Managers. Students who successfully complete only the taught modules will be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma.

    Course Modules

    Health Planning and Management – Explores the challenges and opportunities inherent in the process of policy-making and planning, and seeks to develop skills and expertise in the decision-making process. It provides an understanding of the process of strategic management in the health sector, drawing on contemporary themes in health policy and on approaches to policy analysis.
    Health Economics and Financial Management – Seeks to develop the participant’s understanding of alternative approaches to resource use in the development context and improves familiarity with modern accounting and financial reporting practices.
    Human Resource Management – Seeks to develop an appropriate framework within which to understand, analyse and resolve the issues and challenges of human resource management.
    • Human Resource Planning Techniques – Aims to develop analytical skills for human resource planning with a particular emphasis on designing and using conceptual and mathematical models to facilitate human resource policy-making and planning.
    • Workforce Management and Mobilisation – Explores the demands and opportunities placed on managers and management, and provides methods and approaches to creating a motivated, effective and efficient workforce.
    • Key Skills for Managers – Develops foundation skills needed in management and research through a flexible and practical approach. Participants will be exposed to project design, data collection and data analysis, report writing, ICT and presentation skills.

    The programme is designed to ensure that participants receive training both in foundations of general health service planning and management, as well as specialised education in contemporary challenges of human resources activities.


    A written assignment for each of the five taught courses accounting for 60% of the overall mark for each course and a written examination for each course accounting for 40%. The dissertation must achieve a minimum 50% to achieve a pass and is assessed by two internal independent markers.

    The Dissertation and Human Resource Management Project – Following completion of the taught programme, participants undertake a human resource project with preparation of a dissertation. This comprises a piece of independent research equivalent to approximately four months’ duration, and takes the form of an in-depth analysis of a human resource problem or topic of relevance and benefit to the participant’s own work environment and country experience. The human resource project is the opportunity to apply the knowledge, skills and insights emerging through participation in the course, as well as a means of developing and demonstrating initiative; competence in the use of relevant analytical skills; a logical approach to problem-solving and argument; and clear report writing and skills in the presentation of textual and non-textual information.
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