Postgraduate Diploma-MSc in Computing (Web Technology)

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Postgraduate Diploma-MSc in Computing (Web Technology)

  • Objectives The course aims to provide graduates and industry professionals in the field of computer science and related disciplines with advanced knowledge of computing, the competence to apply the most recent techniques in the area and the ability to critically evaluate current research and practice. The emphasis in this course is on web technology.
  • Entry requirements Entry Conditions The essential requirement is an Honours or non-Honours degree in Computer Science or in a related discipline from a University of the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland, from the Council for National Academic Awards, the National Council for Educational Awards, the Higher Education and Training Awards Council, or from an institution of another country which is recognised as being of an equivalent standard.
  • Academic title Postgraduate Diploma/MSc in Computing (Web Technology)
  • Course description The following four compulsory modules reinforce and enhance skills in the core areas of software engineering:

    • Engineering Process Improvement;
    • Distributed Computing;
    • Reliable Software Development;
    • Databases for Structured and Semi-structured Data.

    Students then go on to complete one generic compulsory module in Research Methods, the following two compulsory modules in Web Technology:

    • Advanced Web Technologies;
    • E-Business Innovation;

    and one further option from the following specialisms:

    • Communications;
    • Artificial Intelligence;
    • Health Informatics;

    for the PG Dip Computing (Communications) award.

    The programme is rounded off by a dissertation in web technology for M Sc in Computing (Web Technology).

    Duration and Mode of Attendance

    Postgraduate Certificate -- one semester
    Postgraduate Diploma -- two semesters
    MSc -- one calendar year

    Postgraduate Certificate – two semesters (one academic year)
    Postgraduate Diploma – four semesters (two academic years)
    MSc – six semesters (three academic years)
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