Postgraduate Certificate Teachers in Primary Care

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Postgraduate Certificate Teachers in Primary Care

  • Entry requirements This innovative course will appeal to all primary healthcare pracitioners who see patients as part of their work, including practice nurses, district nurses, general practitioners and health visitors.
  • Academic title Postgraduate Certificate Teachers in Primary Care
  • Course description Course Content
    This non-modular course covers the core concepts of education in primary care. A substantial part (two thirds) of the time involved is spent in work based learning, and reflecting on practice. We aim to give you an understanding of the principles of adult education, drawing on work-based experience and self directed learning using self and peer assessment for continuing professional development.

    After successful completion of the course, you may progress to Postgraduate Diploma and Masters level courses; this allows you to study as part of the Scheme for Advanced Professional Development.

    Teaching and Assessment
    There are two entries per year in September and in April. There are 12 taught days: attendance at the two day introduction is compulsory. This is followed by ten course days at approximately monthly intervals.

    Entry Requirements

    Applications are invited from those working within the Primary Health Care team setting. All GPs who attend must possess the MRCGP. Practice nurses will be accepted on the course if they fall into any of these three categories:
    - practice nurse trainers who have been appointed through a peer review process;
    - those with a suitable higher degree; and
    - others who express an interest will be assessed by interview to establish whether they have the basic academic and critical inquiry skills. If necessary you may be asked to review and critique a given journal article, in no more than 2,000 words, to support your application.
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