Postgraduate Certificate in Education PGCE Secondary History

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Postgraduate Certificate in Education PGCE Secondary History

  • Objectives The Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) programmes now include 40 credits of assessment at Master's Level (Level M). For candidates who opt not to attempt the requisite credit at Level M, a Professional Graduate Certificate in Education will be available as an alternative award. The Secondary Postgraduate Certificate in Education is a one academic year (36 week) course that trains graduates to be secondary school teachers of History. The PGCE programme has been designed to train teachers for the full secondary age phase (11-18). Trainees are assessed against the standards for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) in two key stages, normally KS3 and KS4. In the first half of the autumn term, some trainees may seek to change this to Key Stage 4 and post-16, this will be subject to discussion with the Programme Leader. The course is active and practical allowing trainees to develop professional competence through work undertaken in schools and in the University. Trainees work with young people, develop their expertise in their specialist subject area, share and discuss educational issues and study relevant educational research. The course is just the beginning of what we hope will be a process of continual professional development throughout a challenging and rewarding career. The PGCE Secondary Programme has been awarded a Grade 1 (outstanding) for Management and Quality Assurance from OfSTED (Office for Standards in Education) and all of the nine subjects have received good or very good OfSTED grades.
  • Entry requirements Applicants normally have: -a good honours degree (2:2 or above) or equivalent, at least 50 per cent of which should be based on History content related to topics taught in History lessons in English state secondary schools: -English and Mathematics GCSE grade C or equivalent (equivalency tests in English Language and Mathematics may be available for some applicants) -spent between one and seven days in a classroom observing history being taught in a comprehensive school Applicants who do not meet the minimum academic entry requirements, but have significant life and/or work experience will be considered on an individual basis.
  • Academic title Postgraduate Certificate in Education PGCE Secondary History
  • Course description Content

    The course is part of the School of Education's programme for Initial Teacher Training. Units studied are:

    -Enabling Learning
    -Meeting Curriculum Challenges
    -Becoming a Teacher

    These units are studied in both the school and the University-based parts of the course, the work on each site being complementary.

    The PGCE History is an active and interesting preparation for teaching History in the 11-18+ age range with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) assessment at two key stages. It is based on time in the University and placements across Bristol, South West England and South Wales.

    In subject studies sessions, students get the opportunity to:

    -find out about the History curriculum
    -look at planning for stimulating, active learning
    -consider ways to stretch young people's curiosity and interest in history, including using:
    -historical sources
    -role play and drama
    -objects and artefacts
    -fieldwork (including optional residential fieldwork)

    The course is taught using a wide range of resources and in partnership with diverse educational settings. Trainees will be prepared to work within the framework of the Key Stage 3 strategy, the National Curriculum and history exam specifications; will have opportunities to look at cross-curricular possibilities and will consider the Citizenship curriculum. There are strong themes of inclusion, multi-cultural history and teaching for learning running through the course.

    24 weeks are spent on placement: a total of eight weeks in one placement during the autumn term and 16 weeks in a second placement during the spring and summer.

    As well as teaching, the programme includes contact time with a Senior Professional Tutor and a Subject Mentor, directed study time and personal study time.

    There is an opportunity to spend time in a primary school and some students may also visit other institutions, such as special schools or colleges of further education.

    In order to pass the course, trainees are required to pass each unit. They are assessed on a number of written assignments and also on classroom practice against the standards specified by the Secretary of State for the award of QTS. Before the end of the course it is recommended that trainees take the computer-based QTS skills tests in Numeracy, Literacy and ICT which are set by the Training and Development Agency (TDA).
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