Postgradaute Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

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Postgradaute Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

  • Objectives The aim of the MA is to develop participants as critically reflective practitioners in tertiary education, by supporting them to:

    • Develop a broader and deeper knowledge base through an active, reflective and critical approach to their own teaching
    • Develop their range of creative, interpersonal and intellectual skills
    • Develop more sophisticated and analytical approaches to problem-solving and decision-making within an educational context
    • Contextualise their pedagogic knowledge and understanding within the wider educational, political, and social environment
    • Place their own experience and learning in a wider context
    • Widen their breadth of experience and improve their career potential
    • Focus on continuing development
    • Investigate research questions in their own practice using appropriate tools and strategies
    • Clearly analyse and concisely discuss their work for the course through assignments, tutorials, group discussions, online discussions and workshops
  • Entry requirements All modules: a good Honours degree.

    The Teaching and Learning with Technology module and the Action Research Dissertation: a postgraduate teaching qualification, such as the Teaching and Learning in HE module. Applicants with prior experience in HE teaching but without a postgraduate level teaching qualification should contact the course director to discuss exemption or the submission of a portfolio.

    To be able to complete the Teaching and Learning in HE module, participants need to be engaged in the full range of teaching and assessment activities described in the UK Professional Standards Framework, and have a mentor in their place of work.
  • Academic title MA, Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
  • Course description Part-Time study


    This Masters course provides a part-time, postgraduate programme that meets the continuing professional development needs of teachers of higher education, providing both accredited staff development and an academic qualification. It supports teachers in post-compulsory education in pursuing the scholarship of teaching and learning as reflective practitioners. The course has a direct and practical relevance to the teaching and learning experiences of teachers and students, and aims at their enhancement. The underlying belief is that improving teaching will improve the experience of learners, and thus student retention, and improve staff job satisfaction. This will benefit individual course participants, their students and their institutions. The course offers a significant contribution to the current thrust to professionalise teaching in post-compulsory education and is consistent with the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education. It includes two postgraduate certificates that are individually accredited and can be taken separately.

    Course Structure and Content

    The MA course includes two 60 credit postgraduate certificate programmes to which is added the Action Research Dissertation.

    Course Modules

    Over three years, part-time, the modules are:

    Year 1: Teaching and Learning in HE - There are 40 hours contact time throughout the year, including two whole days at the start of the module in October, plus discussions with a mentor, observed teaching, and portfolio supervision.

    Year 2: Teaching and Learning with Technology - There are 40 hours contact time in whole day workshops, plus a wholly online workshop, and individual supervision. A leaflet containing further details about this module may be downloaded here.

    Year 3: Action Research Dissertation - This is a combination of individual supervision and group sessions on research methods and action research.

    The modules Teaching and Learning in HE, and Teaching and Learning with Technology can be taken in any order but must have taken Teaching and Learning in HE first, or be exempted from it. The MA is all three modules (180 credits). A postgraduate diploma can be awarded for Teaching and Learning in HE and either one of the later modules.


    Both Teaching and Learning in HE, and Teaching and Learning with Technology modules are assessed by a portfolio of 8-10,000 words comprising a critical, reflective commentary on the work undertaken, supported by appendices of relevant evidence. The Action Research Dissertation is assessed by a research report of 15-20,000 words or equivalent.
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