Philosophy (MA)

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Philosophy (MA)

  • Objectives This degree is ideal if your first degree was solely or mainly in philosophy and you want to catch up on recent developments, or if you are interested in undertaking philosophical research, but are not yet quite ready to commit to an MPhilStud or a PhD. It will also suit people with less background in philosophy, who want a broader philosophical base. If you fall into any of these groups, you will find this degree of interest.
  • Entry requirements Entry requirements Good upper second-class degree. Sample of written work prior to interview.
  • Academic title Philosophy (MA)
  • Course description Three options, normally chosen from:

    -Epistemology and Methodology
    -Greek Philosophy
    -Logic and Metaphysics
    -Philosophy of Language
    -Philosophy of Mind
    -Political Philosophy
    -Philosophy of Science
    -Philosophy of Psychology
    -Schopenhauer and Nietzsche
    -Gender and Philosophy
    -Early Modern Philosophy.

    If you have little, or no, previous background in philosophy, instead of one option module you must take a paper in General Philosophy, covering: Logic and Metaphysics; Epistemology and Methodology; Ethics; Political Philosophy. This course includes some training in introductory logic.

    You may also be able to take other philosophy options in other master’s programmes in the University of London.

    In addition, you write a dissertation, which may be in one of the options already chosen, or in another area of philosophy.

    Birkbeck students participate in an intercollegiate programme of MA Philosophy classes, taught across the University of London by subject specialists from University College London and King’s College London as well as Birkbeck. All three departments received top ratings for teaching and research in recent national assessments.

    A subject is covered by 20 classes spread over two terms, with evening classes in almost all subjects available for part-time students. Birkbeck students also receive one-to-one supervision.

    As an MA Philosophy student, you will be welcome at all Birkbeck and University of London intercollegiate philosophy lectures, and able to take full advantage of the many philosophy events that take place across the University.

    An examination for each option area, and a 10,000–12,000-word dissertation.

    One of your examination papers can be replaced by presubmitted essays.

    When to apply

    -You should apply as early as possible.
    -Interviews January–August.
    -Late applications considered, subject to availability of places.
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