PGCE Secondary Religious Education

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PGCE Secondary Religious Education

  • Entry requirements This is a one-year course for graduates who wish to train to teach Religious Education/ Studies in Secondary schools. Trainees joining the course will have graduated in Religious Studies, Theology, Divinity, Biblical Studies, a Humanities or Combined Studies Degree in which they have majored in Religion, or studied elements of Religion for a considerable part of their degrees.
  • Academic title PGCE Secondary Religious Education
  • Course description The course will

        * provide the opportunity and experience for you to become competent in teaching Religious Education to pupils and students of all abilities in the 11-18 age range
        * enable you to acquire by the end of the course the competence and confidence of a Religious Education teacher taking up your first post in a school
        * provide an insight into the nature of being a professional teacher that will be the basis of subsequent and continuing professional development
        * enable you to develop the skills and insight to be reflective, professional teachers in terms of your awareness concerning a full range of views on issues in Religious Education and education in general

    Course Structure

    Trainees following the 36 week course spend 24 weeks in schools and 12 weeks in College. You will be located in two different schools.

    College-based work


    This explores the theoretical and practical aspects of teaching RE in schools today. During this part of the Course, you are given guidance on Planning, Teaching, Classroom Management and Assessment Strategies necessary to equip you to be effective RE teachers.

    The Curriculum Cymreig and Key Skills as it relates to RE and developing your IT skills will form indispensable elements of your training.

    You will have opportunities for study visits and access to specialist resources. To date, trainees have benefitted from study tours to London, Italy and interesting RE locations throughout South Wales. Students thereby gain valuable first-hand experience of diverse religious communities, of cultural and social developments and of multi-faith education.

    The College has an excellent RE Resources Centre.

    School-based work

    You begin with structured observation tasks in schools and gradually take on teaching responsibilities, including GCSE and A level work. You are supervised and assessed by experienced senior and RE subject mentors as well as College tutors. The training partnership between the College and schools is of a high standard and successful.


    Why Trinity?

        * Placements in schools across South Wales
        * Highly complimentary Inspection Report
        * Excellent RE Resources Centre
        * Very experienced school and college staff
        * RE study tours eg, interesting RE locations throughout South Wales, London, Rome
        * Highly successful employment rate
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