PGCE Secondary Design Technology

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PGCE Secondary Design Technology

  • Academic title PGCE Secondary Design Technology
  • Course description Course description

    The PGCE Secondary Design and Technology course consists of a variety of learning experiences designed for those wishing to train as teachers. The majority of the course focuses upon practical training in teaching and learning related skills. This practical training is underpinned by the development of participants knowledge and understanding of education theories, ideas and concepts and by enhancing their awareness of current educational issues and developments. The Secondary course prepares graduates to teach the National Curriculum and related national strategies, GCSE, AS and A2 level. For the purposes of gaining Qualified Teacher Status, trainees focus upon the 11-16 age range. Learning takes place through a number of school and university based elements. There are five periods of school/college experience: Introductory Primary Experience (2 weeks), School Experience 1 (7 weeks), School Experience 2 (7 weeks), School Experience 3 (7 weeks), Enhancement Experience (2 weeks).

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