PGCE Primary

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PGCE Primary

  • Entry requirements Entry Requirements: -Degree, class 2:2 or above or equivalent qualification. -GCSE Maths and English (grade C or above). UCP Marjon offers Maths and English Equivalence Tests. -Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) Enhanced Disclosure; -Meet the Secretary of State’s requirements for physical and mental fitness to teach as detailed in ‘Fit to Teach’; -Clearly and accurately communicate both spoken and written English -Candidates must take part in an individual interview and/or a group interview with representatives from schools as well as University College tutors.
  • Academic title PGCE Primary
  • Course description This innovative, one year programme is designed to train high quality teachers who are knowledgeable, creative and dedicated to developing childrens’ learning.

    As well as facilitating the development of teaching skills, you will work at Masters level to develop a depth of knowledge and understanding of pedagogy and child development. Upon successful completion of the PGCE programme you will receive a PG certificate and have achieved 60 credits at Masters level – 1/3 of the 180 credits required for a Masters degree.

    The Primary Postgraduate Certificate of Education programme prepares trainees to teach across Key Stages One and Two.

    Module Information:

    The focus of this programme is the education of children from 4 to 11 years of age. This incorporates Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

    Through University College based and school-based training you will develop your understanding of the learning process, child development and how to provide an inclusive learning environment for all children. You will also develop the skills and knowledge to teach all subjects within the Primary National Curriculum as well as RE and Citizenship.

    You will learn how to plan for the teaching of individual subjects and how to integrate subjects across the curriculum. You will also gain skills in assessing children’s learning. Evaluating and reflecting upon your own learning is a very important element of the programme. You will also engage in current educational issues and initiatives.

    There is a specialist element within the programme which allows you to build on your subject strength.  University College based learning takes place through practical workshops, seminars and lectures. Teachers from schools and guest speakers also contribute to the University College based training sessions.

    Central to the programme will be your work in schools. UCP Marjon has an excellent working relationship with a large number of partnership schools across the South West. The programme of school experience is extensive and varied, offering opportunities to gain experience in a range of educational settings. Placements gradually increase in length and complexity through the programme. During your school placements you will be supported by trained teacher mentors as well as University College based tutors.
    Career Opportunities:

    Teaching is a rewarding profession in more ways than one, offering fantastic career prospects and development opportunities.  There are a number of ways in which teachers can progress in their careers, either within the classroom or in a leadership role.

    In primary schools you can take on responsibility for coordinating key areas such as literacy, numeracy or special educational needs; and you can move into senior management by becoming a deputy head or headteacher.


    All applicants eligible for acceptance on to our PGCE programme will be invited to attend an interview. You are encouraged to prepare yourself for the interview by making yourself familiar with the current issues facing teaching, specifically in the subject area for which you wish to teach. You should be prepared to answer questions regarding why you are interested in becoming a teacher and your understanding of the classroom.


    Your academic attainment will be assessed in two assignments which are marked against Masters level criteria. This will give 60 credits towards a Masters level qualification. Your professional attainment will be assessed against National Qualifying to Teach Standards during your teaching placements. All standards need to be achieved to gain Qualified Teacher Status
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