PGCE Primary (Early Years)

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PGCE Primary (Early Years)

  • Objectives Our PGCE will develop early years (3-7) specialists as new members of the teaching profession able to make a real impact on school development. Successful graduates will demonstrate commitment to their own continuing professional development and helping children achieve their potential. The programme addresses, and is assessed against, the Standards for Qualified Teacher Status provided by the Training and Development Agency, but goes beyond this to explore the complex and demanding nature of education. More widely, we recognise the real educational and business benefits of having a diverse community of staff and students who value one another and the different contributions they can make to achieving the university"s mission to be a world-class university. The university is fully committed to being an equal opportunities employer and providing equality of opportunity for all of its staff, students, applicants and visitors. We will not tolerate unfair or unlawful discrimination on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, colour, disability, religion, nationality, age, occupation, marital status or sexual orientation or any other irrelevant distinction.
  • Entry requirements Extended Entry requirements An honours degree or equivalent. GCSE grade C or equivalent in mathematics, English language and a science subject. Equivalency tests available for otherwise qualified candidates. To gain an interview you will also need to be able to discuss relevant learning you have seen during your recent experience in Foundation Stage or Key Stage 1 in a UK setting. You will be required to demonstrate that you: -have the intellectual and academic capabilities needed to meet the required qualified teacher status (QTS) standards -possess the appropriate qualities, attitudes and values expected of a teacher -can read effectively and are able to communicate clearly and accurately in standard English, and -have met the Secretary of State’s requirement for physical and mental fitness to teach. Prior to starting the course, you will be required to undertake a Criminal Records Bureau enhanced disclosure check. Suitability for the PGCE programme is judged on a range of factors including academic qualifications, ability to work with other people and a real interest in learning. A minimum of two weeks experience in schools is essential and applicants are expected to arrange visits to local schools, and to be able to discuss their observations of pupils and classrooms at interview.
  • Academic title PGCE Primary (Early Years)
  • Course description Programme highlights

    -The programme has a national reputation for its quality
    -Close partnerships with schools and educational settings
    -Opportunity to engage in M level work, develop  a "special subject" and make teaching and observation visits to schools abroad

    The programme welcomes people from all walks of life. We strongly believe that if you are to teach children to live in a society with expanding diversity, you yourself will benefit from being part of such a community.

    We aim to create a stimulating and exciting learning environment within the faculty and its partner schools which fosters intellectual development, creativity and an appreciation of diversity. Though the programme is demanding, you will be well supported by the staff who have an excellent national reputation for their care and support of students.

    New programme developments
    If you satisfactorily complete the course having chosen to undertake the M level modules, you will be awarded the Postgraduate Certificate in Education. (You will have achieved 60 credits at M level and may apply for accreditation of these towards further study for a Masters degree.) If you satisfactorily complete the course having chosen not to undertake the M level modules, you will be awarded the Professional Graduate Certificate in Education. Both qualifications lead towards recommendation for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).

    Further study, research and employment opportunities
    The programme prepares students well for their first teaching post and has a good employment record. By the end, you will feel well prepared to find a job teaching in Foundation Stage or Key Stage 1.

    General programme structure

    The programme will:

    -prepare students for the teaching profession as early years (3-7) specialists
    -promote ongoing professional development leading to life-long learning in education
    -develop M level skills

    Half of your PGCE year is spent in schools or educational settings, with three extended placements and some shorter visits. You are given a range of practical experiences, supported by work carried out in the faculty. These complementary elements help you to develop your critical thinking about learning and teaching, to reflect on your own practice and that of others and to respond to national and local initiatives and relevant research.

    You will focus on the National and Early Years Foundation Stage Curricula and on how best to teach them. This is then built on by practical experience. A professional studies element draws together skills developed both in university and school-based training. Cross-curricular issues are explored and theoretical insights are examined. We believe that the best way to teach children to live in a diverse society is to be part of such a community, and we welcome applications from all candidates regardless of disability, colour, ethnicity, religion, gender, nationality or age.

    Detailed programme structure

    -Teaching experience – in three different schools and educational settings
    -Professional studies – including generic teaching skills and focus on national initiatives such as the Every Child Matters agenda.
    -Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and National Curriculum core subjects
    -Courses in all National Curriculum non-core subjects and religious education – including modern foreign languages and personal, social and health education
    -Information and communication technology

    Learning and assessment

    We aim to bring together theory and practice so that each supports the development of the other. During school placements the act of "practising" your teaching and being encouraged to think about the effect on pupils" learning will help you develop new "theoretical" insights, to be tried out next time. Similarly, in faculty, we encourage you to think carefully about your teaching, drawing on the experiences of others through reading and discussion, and to develop ideas to be implemented in the future.

    The assessment of your work reflects this view of learning as a diverse and complex issue. The modes of assessment include:

    -presentations of work completed in groups
    -traditional written assignments
    -practical tasks, such as planning units of work for children
    -some tests of your subject knowledge

    Tutorial support and collaboration with peers is readily available. Though demanding, the programme supports you well in completing the required work and we have an excellent completion record.
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