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PgC Business Economics
Designed for students who would like a managerial career in the field of Business Economics. This course will enable students to evaluate the relevance of economic theories and principles as well as teaching them to apply these theories and principles to business and marketing, particularly decisions on pricing, product development, innovation and promotion, and advertising. Students will gain an understanding of business decisions and strategy including investment, mergers and take-overs. Students are able to choose from a number of optional units, allowing them to study subjects of particular interest to them.
Academic title
PgC Business Economics
Course description
The programme consists of three sequential stages each of one semester's duration (or one academic year for those taking the part time option).
Stage 1 from October to January (leading to PgC) provides the building blocks of principles and theories needed for advanced studies in business economics. Emphasis in stage one is divided between the academic rigour of the main theory courses and the development of more applied courses designed to develop relevant business skills.
Stage 2 from February to June (leading to PgD) is designed to introduce more advanced aspects of business economics.
Stage 3 from June to November (leading to MSc) consists of a 20, 000 word dissertation.
The part time mode for the course has the same philosophy and sequence of subjects as the full time mode and students may alternate between the full and part time modes if such a pattern is best suited to their circumstances.
Taught units in Stage 1 include: Business Economics, Quantitative Economics for Business, Managerial Economics,Corporate Finance.
Taught units in Stage 1 include: micro, macro and quantitative economics for business, accounting and finance, managerial economics and a course in research methodology which begins the dissertation process.
Core units in Stage 2 cover advanced topics in: Research Methods, Advanced Topics in Business Economics, Applied Econometrics and Forecasting, Option unit: Any unit drawn from the postgraduate options offered in the department.
The dissertation in Stage 3 is on an independently researched topic in business economics of the student's own choosing.
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