Entry requirementsThe great news is that you don't need any previous experience to take this course.
Academic titleSuccessful students will receive an Open College Network (OCN) Level 2 award (3 credits)
Course descriptionCourse Overview
The course is designed to provide you with all the basic skills and knowledge to enable you to successfully understand your pet and the care of pets.
Distance Learning
The course is designed for study by distance learning at work or at home. Students receive course manual, assignments and studyguide plus tutor support.
Exam Details
Assessment takes the form of a series of tutor marked assignments and there is no final exam. There is no word count for these assignments, however you do have to prove to your tutor that you have fully understood the question asked.
OCN Information
OCN’s work with organisations providing your learning to ensure that the content of your course and the way it is assed is of the highest quality and it suitable for the people who wish to take it.
As a learner on an OCN approved course you are entitled to earn credits for the work that you do. For each successful course you complete, you will be awarded a certificate detailing the number of credits you have achieved.
You can then use your credits to move to a higher level of learning, or to prove to an employer or anyone else that you have obtained new skills and knowledge. OCN credits are generally accepted as a means of entry to further study by Further and Higher Education providers and by a larger number of employers and trainers.
You can use your credits to demonstrate your achievements and prove that you have knowledge and skills in a wide range of subjects. Depending on which level of course you take, you can use the credits to progress onto other courses.
As a student of UK Open Learning you will receive full tutor support for a year from the date you receive the course. You can contact your tutor by e-mail or post. To complete this course it will take in the region of 90 study hours which can be spread over a 12 month period to suit the student.
Course Outline:
Unit 1: Dogs
* Introduction to Dogs
* Before choosing a dog
* Choosing & Preparation
* Dogs and crates
* The Golden Rules of Happy Housebreaking
* How to go about the Housebreaking Process
* Things to consider when you name your dog
* Grooming your Puppy
* Care & Grooming
* Dog and cat allergies
* How is an allergy diagnosed?
* How To Administer CPR
* How to truly tell your dog's age
* Hypoallergenic Dogs
* Caring for Senior Pets
* Diet
* Psychology & behaviour
Unit 2: Cats
* Choosing a Cat
* Getting down to getting a new cat
* Choosing a non-pedigree cat
* Choosing a Pedigree Kitten
* Housebreaking a new kitten
* 10 Pointers for using a litter box
* Your first cat
* Giving a cat a bath
* How to bathe your cat before a show
* INTERNAL PARASITES - Worms and Toxoplasmosis
* EXTERNAL PARASITES - Fleas, mites and ticks
* Grooming your cat
* Sterilising your feline
* Is My Cat Sick?
* Caring for Senior Pets
* What your cat needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle
* Why does a cat spend so much time and effort grooming it's fur?
* Destructive behaviour
* Travelling with a cat
Unit 3: Birds
* Species of Birds
* Choosing a cage
* Tips for Cage Shoppers
* Cage Location and Temperature
* Covering the Cage
* Keeping the Cage Clean
* Bird toys
* General grooming
* Giving Your Bird a Bath
* Dangers in the Home
* Basic Diet
* Foods that are safe for your bird
Unit 4: Fish
* All about Fish
* Fish in Tanks
* Fish in Ponds
* Aquarium
* Pond set-ups
* Goldfish or tropical fish?
* Lighting.
* Keeping Fish Healthy
Unit 5: Reptiles
* Species
* Taking care of your snake
* Housing
* Feeding
* Parasites and disease
* Sexing and breeding
* Records
* Looking after your lizard
* The basics on how to take care of your pet turtle
* Hibernation
* Taming your reptile