Organisational Change and Development MSc

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Organisational Change and Development MSc

  • Objectives Economic crises, structural adjustments, competition, technical innovation, public, private and NGO sector reforms and other drivers all require organisations in developing and transitional economies to change and develop on an ongoing basis. As a result, there is a growing need for staff who both understand and can contribute to organisational change and development initiatives and activities. This MSc programme aims to meet that need. The programme's aim is to turn participants into more effective `agents of organisational change and development', by providing them with new analytical capacities, skills and knowledge. By the end of the programme, participants will be able to: -understand the basis and processes of organisational change and development; -contribute to the effective diagnosis, planning, management and implementation of organisational change and development; -engage in chosen specialist processes of organisational change and development; -synthesise new and existing knowledge by undertaking academic or specialist organisational change and development research.
  • Entry requirements Entry requirements: Applicants should have a good first degree (minimum 2:1 or equivalent), and one year's work experience in a relevant area. Applicants without a degree may still be considered if they have a least 10 years' relevant work experience. Postgraduate Diploma: Applicants who do not fulfil typical entry requirements may be offered the opportunity to register for a Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip). Postgraduate Diploma students take a package of core and optional course units identical to the Masters programme. If performance in these course units meets the standard required at the Masters level (a pass mark of 50%), these students upgrade to Masters registration at the end of the second semester and proceed to the dissertation. They then become eligible for award of a Masters degree. Those who do not achieve a pass at Masters level, but at the Diploma level (a pass mark of 40%), will be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma.
  • Academic title Organisational Change and Development MSc
  • Course description Special features

    Field visits to appropriate organisations are normally arranged during the academic year.  The travel and accommodation costs of these visits are included in the programme fee.  Field visits allow participants to learn about organisational change and development practices in different types of organisations.

    Module details

    Core programme course units include:

    -Organisational Behaviour;
    -Organisation Development;
    -Organisational Change Strategies;
    -Characteristics and Skills in Development Practice.

    Participants normally select one of a number of option streams , which typically include:

    -Resource Systems Change : Management Information and Management Information Systems, Human Resource Practice I, Financial Accounting and Measurement in LDCs
    -Public Sector Change : Public Sector Reform and Management; Public Policy Systems and Methods
    -Information Systems Change : IT and Human Resources; Management Information and Management Information Systems; Introducing Information Systems in Organisations
    -Finance and Accounting Systems Change : Financial Accounting and Measurement in LDCs; Financial Management and Project Appraisal; Management Control of Enterprises in LDCs or A Financial Analysis of Public Sector Restructuring.

    Participants choosing a recommended option stream also select an additional module, which may include: Development Practice: International Contexts and Worlds of Action; Decentralisation and Participation in Development; Managing Quality in Development; NGO Management and Strategy; Human Resource Practice 2; Training and Development.

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