Occupational Therapy MSc

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Occupational Therapy MSc

  • Objectives The MSc Occupational Therapy (Pre-Registration) aims to provide a Master's level route for graduates to become competent occupational therapists eligible to apply for registration with the Health Professions Council as well as conferring a Master's Degree.
  • Entry requirements Entry Requirements You will need a first or upper second class honours degree from any discipline with strong applicants demonstrating a science profile and evidence of informed insight into the profession of occupational therapy. Applicants with a lower second class honours degree who have extensive experience of working in a health or social care setting will also be considered. Evidence of academic achievement in the last five years will be required.
  • Academic title Occupational Therapy MSc
  • Course description Course Summary

    This course enables students with a first degree to become competent occupational therapists eligible to apply for registration with the Health Professions Council, for membership of the British Association of Occupational Therapists/College of Occupational Therapists and be equipped for lifelong, safe and effective practice within the global marketplace.

    Course Details

    You will be expected to demonstrate Master's level thinking, clinical reasoning and critical appraisal in relation to the topic areas.

    The research modules will prepare you for an evidence-based clinical environment and develop the skills to communicate research through publication.

    Typical Modules


        * Research Methods
          Main topics include: philosophical underpinnings of research methodology; proposal design; searching and reviewing the literature; ethical issues in research and research governance; surveys and longitudinal studies; questionnaire design; experimental and quasi-experimental designs; n of 1 studies; statistical analysis and using spss; depth interviews; focus groups; observation; use of documentary sources; qualitative analysis.

        * Practice Placements

        * Occupational Science
          Main topics include: occupation defined and classified: theoretical perspectives; occupation as means of promoting and sustaining health and well being; occupational risk factors as barriers to occupational justice; historical perspectives on occupation; the theory base for occupational science: paradigms, frames of reference and models of occupation; occupational science in context.

        * The Art of Occupational Therapy
          Main topics include: key models of reflection; modes of clinical reasoning in occupational therapy; judgement, decision making and expertise development; the work of key occupational theorists; historical foundations of occupational therapy.

        * Occupational Therapy Process and Practice 1 and 2

        * Dissertation
          The dissertation will take the form of an extensive literature review and a journal article.

    Elective (one from)

        * Occupational Therapy for Children, Young People and their Families
          Main topics include: analysis of aspects in child development and study of common problems and disorders in childhood; review of the research based current evidence on occupational therapy theory and practice for children and adolescents; review the clinical reasoning process in paediatric occupational therapy practice; examine a selection of experimental methods appropriate for assessing and evaluating clinical practice or service delivery in children’s health; exploration of effective ways of incorporating the family into their child’s assessment and treatment; exploration of relevant current children’s health policy and legislation.

        * Occupational Therapy in Mental Health
          Main topics include: overview of occupational therapy in mental health; review of the research based literature on occupational therapy theory and practice in mental health; detailed exploration of current mental health policy and legislation in relation to occupational therapy practice; exploring contemporary issues; examining current evidence and research related to the contemporary mental health issues; exploring a detailed selection of quantitative and qualitative measures appropriatefor assessing and evaluating clinical practice or service delivery in mental health.

        * Occupational Therapy for Active Ageing

        * Occupational Therapy in Forensic Mental Health Practice
          Main topics include: historical perspective of forensic mental health; review of the research based literature on occupational therapy theory and practice in forensic mental health; detailed exploration of current Mental Health Policy and Legislation in relation to occupational therapy practice; exploring contemporary issues such as the, effectiveness of occupational therapy interventions in forensic mental health; working in partnership with service users and carers; socio-cultural perspectives offorensic mental health; anti-discrimination practice and social inclusion; examining current evidence and research related to the contemporary forensic mental health issues; exploring a detailed selection of quantitative and qualitative measures appropriate for assessing and evaluating clinical practice or service delivery in forensic mental health.

    Download timetable for MSc Occupational Therapy (Pre-Registration)

    Special Features

    Research within the School includes:

        * Professional Practice (eg user involvement, occupational science, health promotion, falls prevention, discharge planning, acute care, cultural awareness)
        * Research in Rehabilitation
        * Ageing Studies.


    Occupational Therapy as a career offers many opportunities to work in the health service, social services, education or the private and voluntary sector.
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