MTh Ministry

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MTh Ministry

  • Objectives The aim of the degree/diploma is to enable those in full-time or part-time ministry and church candidates in training to reflect critically on their own theology and practice of ministry. Students do so by close reading of appropriate practical theological texts and by developing skills in the analysis of ministry situations in a church, chaplaincy or community setting. The two core courses focus on understanding the origins of ministry and the theologies which underpin ministerial activity. The optional courses allow students to expand their knowledge and understanding in relevant Divinity disciplines, including theological and biblical studies, church history and mission studies, Christian ethics and media studies, handling conflict and reflective practice and, where eligible and appropriate, in other taught Masters courses offered in the humanities and social sciences. The final dissertation allows students to explore in depth an aspect of their ministry in the field, under supervision. The programme can be taken part-time over two years or in one year by full-time students.
  • Entry requirements Entry Requirements A good honours degree, or its equivalent (eg a 2:1 degree, or 3.5+ GPA) in Theology/Religion or exceptionally in another subject when there is evidence that the student can move successfully to postgraduate-level study in theology, or exceptionally to candidates whose prior study and professional experience provides evidence of ability for postgraduate study in Theology and Religion. All students are expected to have some prior experience of ministry in a voluntary or professional capacity in church, chaplaincy, professional, or community setting.
  • Academic title MTh Ministry
  • Course description This programme is designed for those with professional experience of ministry in church, institutional and community settings, and for graduates pursuing vocational training for ministry. It aims to enable those professionals to reflect critically on their own theology and practice of ministry.

    You will study appropriate practical theological texts and develop skills in the analysis of ministry situations in a church, chaplaincy, professional or community setting. The core courses focus on developing the knowledge and skills of reflective practice in ministry. Optional courses and foci include subject areas such as Christian ethics and media studies, Divinity disciplines, theological and biblical studies, church history and mission studies and handling conflict in ministry.

    Learning Outcomes

    Students who successfully complete the programme will:

        * be able to reflect theologically upon their experience of ministry;
        * integrate the practice of ministry with theological reflection and social analysis;
        * utilise resources from a variety of academic disciplines to aid reflection on their ministry.

    How You Will Be Taught

    The programme combines engagement with written texts and practice facilitated by academics from a variety of theological disciplines and with a range of ministerial experiences. You will also learn through class discussions, the presentation of case studies and personal reflections on ministry. You will take core courses, required research methods courses, and optional ones. A supervised dissertation (15,000 words) is also required.


    The coursework consists of:

    1. Two core courses:

    Church and Ministry: Biblical and Historical Foundations

    Theology of Ministry

    2. Required courses

    Research Methods

    Preparing a dissertation

    3. Three one-semester options:

    A students choice of options is made from the available courses offered in the taught Masters programmes in the School of Divinity. Where appropriate, one course may be an Honours option in Divinity or a taught Masters course offered in another School in the College of Humanities and Social Science, with the permission of the Programme Co-ordinator.


    Normally five 5000 word essays, related to the two core and three elective courses chosen. N.B. Some courses include other requirements such as assessed weekly reflection or examination.  The required course 'Basic Research Methods' will be assessed by a 2,000 word book review. The required course 'Preparing a dissertation proposal' will be assessed by submission of a dissertation proposal. Once the essays are assessed, candidates whose standard of work entitles them to progress to the MTh or MSc will be required to submit a dissertation of 15,000 words. Students choose their dissertation topics in consultation with the Programme Co-ordinator. Candidates for the Diploma will be required to submit an extended essay of not more than 10,000 words.
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