MSc Waste Management with Environmental Management

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MSc Waste Management with Environmental Management

  • Academic title MSc Waste Management with Environmental Management
  • Course description The treatment and disposal of industrial waste is a major concern within the broad spectrum of environmental issues.

    The minimisation and ultimate elimination of waste as a result of both UK and European legislation, and pressure from the public at large, requires significant increases in industrial expertise and efficiency. The powers of regulatory bodies are being strengthened worldwide to enable the enforcement of new protection measures and many industries now face difficulties satisfying legislative demands. Against this background, the University has introduced this course which enables graduates to develop the technical and managerial skills increasingly required by industry.

    Students study a range of core modules to gain a systems approach to their understanding of the world. Environmental problems are tackled using sound scientific principles and all students study integrated management systems to provide a strong basis for further study. The legal framework within which professionals are constrained is also examined.

    Emphasis is placed on identifying the industrial and production processes which create waste and on proposing suitable control measures to reduce or eliminate unwanted by-products.

    Various techniques are open to the waste manager including emissions control, water treatment, solid waste disposal, recycling and energy extraction from waste. The Environmental Protection Act limits what is legally possible, whilst other technical and economic factors will also be evident. The waste management professional requires a broad base of skills in chemistry, physics, engineering, law and economics, coupled with relevant management experience and the integrating skills required to be able to draw on all of these fields in the proposal of a waste management solution.

    The course prepares students in the essential skills required to produce waste audits and environmental assessments within the given legal framework and graduates of this programme will find themselves in employment within companies producing these assessments or within the public sector, enforcing the relevant legislation. Environmental management issues are considered in a global context. The regulatory framework of the European Union as it applies to the UK is studied.

    Course Contents

    Part-time study requires attendance on one or two afternoons per week and full-time study requires three afternoons per week. The Postgraduate Diploma comprises six taught modules. Students completing the MSc must subsequently undertake an extended project. Students will study a range of topics, including –

        * Management Systems
        * Statutory Framework
        * Environmental Protection
        * Sustainable Waste Management
        * Waste Management Techniques
        * Pollution Control
        * Waste Masters Dissertation

    Professional Recognition

    On joining this course, students can apply to the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM) to become a Student Member. On successful completion of this course, students can apply to CIWM to become a Graduate Member and use the designatory letters Grad MCIWM. This category denotes those who are academically qualified and concerned with wastes management, but do not have the necessary continuous relevant experience required for Corporate Membership.
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