MSc Sustainable Tropical Forestry (SUTROFOR) (Erasmus Mundus course)

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MSc Sustainable Tropical Forestry (SUTROFOR) (Erasmus Mundus course)

  • Entry requirements Entry

    The main student selection criteria are: a good first university degree; the applicant’s CV; documentation of proficiency in English (and French if choosing Montpellier); the applicant’s personal statement of motivation; recommendations from two references, of which at least one academic.
  • Academic title MSc Sustainable Tropical Forestry
  • Course description The MSc course in Sustainable Tropical Forestry (SUTROFOR) is a two-year world-class integrated programme aimed at qualifying graduates to deal with the huge challenges in contemporary tropical forestry. The teaching staff is very active in research and the students will profit from our many connections throughout the world.

    The SUTROFOR course is offered by a consortium of five European universities:

        * The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, Copenhagen, Denmark
        * Bangor University, School of the Environment and Natural Resources, Bangor, Wales, UK
        * Dresden University of Technology, Institute of International Forestry and Forest Products, Tharandt, Germany
        * Institute of Forestry, Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, Department of Tropical and Rural Forestry, Montpellier, France
        * University of Padova, College of Agriculture, Padova, Italy.

    The course consists of a first study year at one of three institutions (Bangor, Copenhagen, Dresden) and a specialising second study year with different topics offered by each of the five institutions. Students are required to spend the second year at a different university to the first year. The aim of the first study year is to provide a thorough and broad introduction to sustainable tropical forestry. The learning outcomes are similar for the three first year institutions and allow students to choose freely among all five specialisation options in the second year. The first year ends with the Joint Summer Module including fieldwork in a tropical country.

    Specialisation options in the second year are:

        * Agroforestry systems (Bangor)
        * Socio-economics of tropical forestry (Copenhagen)
        * Tropical forest management (Dresden)
        * Environmental management and policies for tropical forests (Montpellier)
        * Ethics in forestry and responsible trade in tropical forest products and services (Padova).

    To obtain the SUTROFOR double degree and the Diploma Supplement, students will acquire 120 ECTS credits by studying at two Consortium institutions, acquiring at least 60 ECTS credits at each. All SUTROFOR modular activities can be completed in English, except the second year at Montpellier which is only available in French.

    The following degrees are awarded: MSc in Agricultural Development in Copenhagen, MSc in Environmental Forestry in Bangor, MSc in Tropical Forestry in Dresden, MSc in Tropical and Rural Forestry in Montpellier, and MSc in Forestry and Environmental Sciences in Padova.
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