This programme offers career prospects for research posts in the public or private sector; it is also excellent training for a PhD.
Compulsory core courses
* Social science statistics I
* Social science statistics II
* Qualitative methods
* Introduction to social theory for researchers
Compulsory non-credit bearing courses
* Induction
* IT skills and resource discovery training.
Elective non-credit bearing courses
* Advanced quantitative issues and methods
In addition, you will take two electives from the following (subject to availability):
* Advanced qualitative methods
* Advanced qualitative research and management
* Advanced statistical analysis and model building in management
* Advanced statistical methods (public health)
* Advanced in management theory and practice
* Conceptualising human geography: space, policy and power
* Contemporary government and governance
* Economic growth in the 20th century
* Ethics, policy and research practice
* Issues in drugs use research
* Master class (management)
* Research resource and skills for historians
* Researching human geography - design, methods and ethics
* Sport and public policy: the case of professional football
* Studies in the history of medicine
* Understanding social research
Or any other 20 credit postgraduate course offered in the faculty (subject to approval).
Plus dissertation
The dissertation field of research will normally be within the range of areas covered by staff research interests in the Department of Urban Studies and the Medical Research Council. Contact Professor Pryce for further details.