MSc Social Research

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MSc Social Research

  • Entry requirements TBC
  • Academic title MSc
  • Course description We are pleased that, subject to final confirmation, we will be offering an MSc degree in Social Research from September 2021. This course gives you the opportunity to produce meaningful social research which aims to contribute to real social change. You will develop the skills necessary to design, carry out and report a research study which is relevant to service users. You can focus on an area of social research that interests you, making it significant and applicable to what you do. 
    Social research aims to improve the quality of life for users and carers by improving and evolving provision and practice. It is important for public and third sector organisations to expand their knowledge base and respond to contemporary social challenges, and one of the main purposes of this degree is to assist in the development of research and engagement across social care. The course also responds to wider societal requirements for evidence-based policy and practice – considering social inequalities and marginalised identities, social justice and criminology, and other areas of public policy. 
    The course has been designed to take you through the research process. From turning social research issues into a suitable research question to designing the study and collecting appropriate data, and then reporting the findings to different audiences. All of this will provide opportunities to work with academics and clinicians experienced in conducting social care research.
    Two research centres in our Department of Social Sciences & Social Work provide opportunities for applied research practice. The National Centre for Post-Qualifying Social Work and Professional Practice (NCPQSW) provides a focus for research into social work, leading national research on protecting those at risk of financial scams and best practice concerning mental capacity. The Centre for Seldom Heard Voices provides a focus for interdisciplinary collaboration around social research. Staff within the centre embrace both qualitative and quantitative methods to engage with marginalised communities, excluded or silenced voices, particularly through user-led and participatory co-created research.
    The work you will do as part of this course will provide opportunities for you to create research outputs (e.g. manuscripts for publication) to contribute to a portfolio of research experience suitable for applications related to future research study.

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