MSc Research Methods (Social Policy, Management and Business, Politics, Psychology)

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MSc Research Methods (Social Policy, Management and Business, Politics, Psychology)

  • Objectives Flexibility is a hallmark of this course, both in terms of the route to qualification and course content. The course is taken in three stages: Certificate, Diploma and MSc. The course structure enables students to either train in generic social research methods, or alternatively select specialist pathways by option module learning. The course has ESRC recognition for those wishing to study at PhD or MPhil level in Social Policy, Politics, Psychology, and Management and Business Studies.
  • Entry requirements Entry requirements First degree (usually a minimum 2.2).
  • Academic title MSc Research Methods (Social Policy, Management and Business, Politics, Psychology)
  • Course description Course content
    At the Certificate stage, the course aims to develop research awareness in information technology, methods of social research and philosophical understanding of the social sciences. For the Pg Diploma, students are offered pathway modules specialising in methodological debates and problems within specific social science related disciplines (Politics, Social Policy, Psychology, and Management and Business). In the final MSc stage, students complete a dissertation based upon their own research.

    Coursework plus a dissertation (15,000 words).

    Study routes
    The MSc course is available, usually starting in September, by the following routes:

    Full-time (classroom-based at the University or by distance learning): One year (PgCert – 15 weeks, PgDip – 15 weeks, MSc – 15 weeks).

    Part-time (distance learning only): 2½ years (PgCert – one academic year, PgDip – one academic year, MSc – six months).

    Special benefits
    The course is designed for students with academic qualifications in the social sciences, business studies, human services or humanities, or workers in social science research areas who want to develop an academic and practical understanding of social science research. It familiarises students with philosophical perspectives that inform current research practice and equips students with the necessary skills to become reflective practitioners of research.

    As such, it is relevant to numerous professions, including public services (like probation, education, health or social work), social and market research, teaching and personnel. The transferable skills gained are particularly appropriate for students who aim to develop capacity for evidence-based policy and practice. The course is recognised by ESRC for those who wish to go on to study at PhD or MPhil level in Social Policy (including Criminology, Sociology and Social Care), Politics, Psychology and, Management and Business.

    Research opportunities
    The course can serve as the first (research training) year of a 1+3 course towards MPhil or PhD, or as an excellent foundation for a career as a social researcher.
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