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MSc Project Management
This programme produces graduates who: -understand modern manual and computerised project management methods and tools, and are able to employ them in the planning and execution of engineering projects; -are fully aware of the range of modern engineering design methods and tools available and investigate, select and learn to employ those appropriate to the needs of their industries; -are fully conversant with modern information resources and use them effectively and efficiently; -are able to document and communicate, using oral and written presentations, project plans and results; -are able to plan, conduct and report on small engineering research projects
Entry requirements
Normally, the minimum qualification for entry to this course is a second class degree, typically in a product design or engineering discipline.
Academic title
MSc Project Management
Course description
Programme Content
Taught Units/Modules
The figures in brackets relate to the number of
-Research Methods (20)
-Business Innovation and Enterprise (20)
-Competitive Product Development (20)
-Design Management (20)
-Project Management (20)
-Technology Transfer (20)
-Project (60)
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