MSc-Postgraduate Diploma-Postgraduate Certificate Advanced Practice

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MSc-Postgraduate Diploma-Postgraduate Certificate Advanced Practice

  • Objectives This programme is designed to develop and enhance skills that are required to become an advanced practitioner. It is suitable for experienced health and social care practitioners who are currently functioning as advanced practitioners or who are developing towards this level of autonomous practice. In developing this programme, the Faculty has collaborated with members from a range of professions with varying roles in organisations including service managers, practitioners and educationalists.
  • Entry requirements Applicants normally have: -An honours degree or equivalent in a relevant subject area -Five years' experience in health and social care -Evidence that their current level of practice forms a pre-requisite stage required for advanced practice
  • Academic title MSc/Postgraduate Diploma/Postgraduate Certificate Advanced Practice
  • Course description Content

    Core modules:

    -Meeting the Challenge of Advanced Practice
    -Advanced Practice in Context
    -Health and Social Care Research: Methods and Methodology

    Optional modules:

    -Occupational Science
    -Specialist Midwifery Practice
    -Diagnostic Reasoning for Advanced Practice
    -Legal and Ethical Issues and Dilemmas in Health and Social Care
    -Applied Pharmacology and Prescribing Practice
    -Clinical Examination Skills for Advanced Practice
    -The Nature of Pain and its Management
    -Independent Study

    Teaching and learning

    The programme offers a wide range of teaching and learning strategies which are student centred, including action learning sets. The process of action learning allows professionals to engage fully in exploring challenges and issues relevant to practice in order to challenge existing perspectives and place theoretical knowledge in their own practice context. Other learning strategies include critical evaluation, directed reading, discussion groups, seminars, group work and students' own practice.
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