MSc-PgDip-PgCert Infrastructure Management

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MSc-PgDip-PgCert Infrastructure Management

  • Objectives Infrastructure management is concerned with assessing the need for, and bringing into being, operating and maintaining assets that are at the core of society. It deals with the processes necessary for the planning and development of new infrastructure in a cost-effective manner, and in maintaining and operating mature infrastructure for sustainability. The programme is the result of extensive consultation with industry and aims to provide participants with the skills and information to enable them to take a leading role in industry.
  • Entry requirements The programme is designed for graduates and/or professionals who are pursuing or intend to pursue a career in infrastructure management in either the public or private sector. Although it is targeted at people with an undergraduate degree in civil or environmental engineering, the programme will appeal to a wide range of graduates, including those with degrees in other fields of engineering, urban and regional planning, architecture and quantity surveying.
  • Academic title MSc/PgDip/PgCert Infrastructure Management
  • Course description The programme is the result of extensive consultation with industry and aims to provide participants with the skills and information to enable them to take a leading role in industry.

    Modules include:

    -Bridge Engineering
    -Transport System Design
    -Integrated Transport Planning
    -Water and Wastewater Treatment
    -Appropriate and New Technologies
    -Waste Management
    -Rail Engineering
    -Durability of Structures
    -Operations Techniques and Management.

    The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) stated recently that “the shortage of skilled professionals currently affecting the engineering profession means that there are too few engineers to carry out infrastructure improvements.” The ICE further stated that the “built environment, the integrated transport network, energy supplies, water and waste management – the fabric of the United Kingdom’s infrastructure – are critical to the future economic wellbeing of the country.

    MSc: one year, full-time,
    two years, part-time
    PgDip: nine months, full-time,
    two years, part-time
    PgCert: six months fulltime, one year part-time

    Entry requirements
    -An appropriate honours degree such as civil or mechanical engineering
    -We welcome applications from students with alternative qualifications and/or significant relevant experience, subject to approval through a process of Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL). For further details, contact the School
    -International students must provide evidence of a proficiency in Englis
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