MSc (PgDip, PgCert) in Web Computing

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MSc (PgDip, PgCert) in Web Computing

  • Objectives The aim of the new Masters programme is to provide people of graduate status working, or planning to work, in the various areas related to Web Computing, in Industry or Academia, high quality, up-to-date education at post-graduate level, thus enhancing their career prospects by gaining additional knowledge and skills in Internet technologies. The specific aims of the MSc programme are summarized as follows: -To provide students with a fuller understanding of current and emerging Web Computing technologies -To facilitate students in the development of expertise and interest in topic areas of Web Computing technologies of direct and complementary relevance to their work -To encourage students to become autonomous learners -To provide students with an understanding of current Web Computing research issues -To further develop students' analytical, creative, problem-solving and research skills -To provide a platform for career development, innovation and/or further study such as PhD
  • Entry requirements The course is for you if: You would like to be a designer/manager/consultant for Web based applications development and/or a strategic planner of a company operating fully or partly as an e-Business enterprise, or to advance your knowledge and skills in Web technologies and business models to enhance your career prospects. You have the right qualifications.
  • Academic title MSc (PgDip, PgCert) in Web Computing
  • Course description What is the course about

    -This course allows students/professionals with an interest or experience in Web technologies and e-business to further develop advanced skills and understanding of Web Applications Development, Web Service
    -Provision,Web Servers Design and Optimisation, e-Business and related
    -Technology and Management models and techniques, as well as research and development issues in the field.
    -What are the career prospects of the course
    -Some examples of career opportunities after the successful completion of the course are listed below:
    -Web Application Design and Implementation
    -Management ofWeb Based Projects
    -User Interface Design
    -Requirements Analysis for E-business Applications
    -Management of E-Business
    -Web Server Performance Evaluation
    -Distributed Applications Development
    -Design of Interfaces forWeb Services and other Information Systems
    -Quality of Service Mechanisms Design and Implementation
    -Further Research by PhD

    What are the course details

    This MSc programme allows students with an interest or experience in
    Web technologies and e-business to further develop advanced skills and
    understanding ofWeb Applications Development,Web Service Provision,
    Web Servers Design and Optimisation, e-Business and related
    Technology and Management models and techniques, as well as research and development issues in the field.

    The programme learning outcomes define that at the end of the programme, students should:

    Be aware of current and developing principles and practices of Web Computing technologies.
    Have widened and deepened students' knowledge and skills in the areas of Web Computing and its applications.
    Have been exposed to and applied a range of tools and techniques
    currently being used in the development ofWeb applications/ systems.
    Have critically analysed and developed a major piece of work in the area.
    Be able to understand current research issues in the relevant aspects of Web Computing technologies.
    Be able to understand current research issues in the relevant aspects of Web Computing technologies.
    The course consists of the following core and option modules:


    -Research Methods
    -Web Development Technologies
    -Management of E-Business


    -Database Design and Technology
    -Multimedia Systems Development
    -Computer Networks
    -Computer Security
    -Software Development Java
    -Forensic Computing


    -Human Computer Interaction
    -Information Systems Development and Management


    -Business Analysis
    -Decision Support Systems
    -Knowledge Based Systems
    -Multimedia Database Systems
    -Multimedia DevelopmentWorkshop
    -Computer Systems Technology
    -Network Security
    -Web TechnologyWorkshop
    -Location Based Services
    -Project Dissertation
    -In Semester 1, full-time students normally study all the three core modules listed above and one option module selected. Part-time students normally study two core modules in the first year, and the third core module and one option module selected in the second year.
    -In Semester 2, full-time students normally study the two core modules listed above and two option modules selected. Part-time students normally study the two core modules in the first year, and two option modules in the second year.
    -For Project Dissertation, students normally complete their projects by the end of August, after the completion of all the five core and three selected option modules.
    -Some details of the core modules and the brief summaries of the option modules for the course are given below:

    This module provides a grounding in research methods as they apply to
    research in computing and information systems. It outlines essential
    considerations when conducting experimental research, survey research,
    field research, etc., and allows an opportunity to analyse research papers
    and develop familiarity with research areas and approaches. It also
    provides students with an opportunity to plan and develop an individual
    research strategy suitable for a Master's dissertation.

    Topics studied include a variety of research methods and processes,
    general components of surveys and field studies, issues in problem
    analysis, topical research sources, and the requirements of a dissertation.

    This module examines modern computing architectures suitable for the
    development of large-scale, web based applications. It discusses the
    main concepts and technologies used in the development of such
    applications. Practical skills are developed in the engineering of web
    software platforms.

    Topics studied include hardware and software components, architectures
    for web appoications(client-server, peer to peer, 3-tier, n-tier, etc), data
    formats, XML based data languages, client and server side developments
    and optimisation techniques.

    This module provides students with an in-depth knowledge of e-business
    capabilities, enabling technologies and their management. Students will
    develop an ability to appraise critical business issues associated with ebusiness
    and related technologies, and will be able to assess concepts
    relevant to e-business life-cycle management.

    Topics studied include-business models and technologies, applications,
    implementation frameworks and methodologies and system analysis
    techniques for e-solutions. Also, service performance management and
    data mining techniques are covered in the module.

    This module offers an understanding of human computer interaction
    (HCI) as a multi-disciplinary subject, with a special focus on interactivity
    and usability in computer systems and software development. It provides
    students with an informed appreciation of the importance of HCI to a
    successful understanding of the problem domain and the consequent
    effective use of resources. It also covers the latest development in HCI
    studies and research, and its application to new technologies such as
    multimedia, electronic authoring and publishing, and virtual reality.

    Topics studied include HCI definition and context, current application,
    measurement techniques and theories, cognitive and educational
    psychology, communications theory, graphic arts, technical writing, industry
    standards and guidelines, prototyping tools and relevant research issues.

    This module studies the development and maintenance of information
    systems and e-commerce applications within organisations, assesses the
    usefulness of various approaches to information systems development and
    e-commerce applications, and considers the associated managerial issues.
    Topics studied include strategic issues in the management of information
    systems and e-commerce applications, methodology support for their
    development and maintenance, and the use of automated support tools
    for systems development.

    This module is intended for post-graduate students interested in the field
    of forensic computing. The purpose of the module is to provide the
    fundamental technical concepts and research issues essential for
    computer forensic investigations within the organisation, law
    enforcement or national security.

    allows students to gain skills in
    the development of database applications and to acquire an
    understanding of advanced databases.

    COMPUTER NETWORKS enables students to develop effective network
    architectures at hardware and software levels and to gain practical
    experience in communication protocols.

    COMPUTER SECURITY develops an understanding of security threats
    and vulnerabilities, and assesses the applicability of various techniques
    for system protection.

    MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT offers understanding and skills
    in multimedia programming and design, and introduces recent
    developments in the subject area.

    SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT-JAVA develops the skills needed for the
    design and implementation of object-oriented applications using the Java
    programming language.

    BUSINESS ANALYSIS looks at the development of skills in the use of
    systemic multi-perspective methodologies in business analysis, the
    associated management cybernetics and their roles in re-engineering
    business processes. These are studied in the context of the "informated
    business" and the consequent synthesis of hard and soft systems approaches
    to the effective deployment of information technology in that context.

    DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS provides students with knowledge and
    experience in the development and operation of decision support
    systems for enterprises.

    KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS provides an understanding of
    knowledge-based information systems and the corresponding problem
    solving technologies.

    MULTIMEDIA DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP provides students with
    opportunities to apply analysis and modelling techniques and associated
    tools to develop interactive multimedia applications.

    MULTIMEDIA DATABASE SYSTEMS examines the characteristics of
    multimedia data, the current trends in multimedia database systems, and
    the corresponding research issues.

    COMPUTER SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY examines the techniques and
    concepts used in the development of computer based information
    systems and e-commerce applications. It examines recent developments
    in hardware technology and applies these to information requirements.

    NETWORK SECURITY offers an understanding of various securities
    vulnerabilities and threats in computer networks and the importance of
    network security. It develops the ability to carry out critical assessment
    of a variety of security technologies for protection of computer networks.

    WEB TECHNOLOGYWORKSHOP enables students, working as a team,
    to translate the models and techniques for Web development into
    effective web-based applications. Supports students in designing,
    developing, documenting and testing web applications.

    examines the design and implementation
    of a navigation server in location based systems in a mobile computing
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