MSc (PgDip, PgCert) in Digital Entertainment

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MSc (PgDip, PgCert) in Digital Entertainment

  • Objectives The aim of the MSc programme in Digital Entertainment Systems is to provide people of graduate status working, or planning to work, in a computing environment with the opportunity to enhance their career prospects or to become digital entertainment systems developer professionals by gaining additional knowledge and skills in the areas of digital entertainment systems and its applications. The specific aims of the MSc programme are summarised as follows: -To provide students with a fuller understanding of current and emerging digital entertainment systems technologies -To facilitate students in the development of expertise in their interested topic areas of digital entertainment systems -To encourage students to become autonomous learners -To provide students with an understanding of current digital entertainment research issues -To further develop students' analytical, creative, problem-solving and research skills -To provide a platform for career development, innovation and/or further study such as Mphil/PhD
  • Entry requirements The course is for you if: You would like to be a developer/technical manager associated with a variety of digital entertainment industries, work in the development of new digital content and/or systems, or to advance your knowledge and skills in Digital Entertainment Systems to enhance your career prospects. You have the right qualifications.
  • Academic title MSc (PgDip, PgCert) in Digital Entertainment
  • Course description What is the course about?

    This course allows students/professionals with an interest or experience in the use of digital media for entertainment to further develop advanced skills and understanding of the main technological and management aspects associated with the use of computing for entertainment.

    Examples of such systems are Digital Film, eMusic, Digital TV, edutainment and infotainment , amongst others. The course will also develop understanding about research and development issues in the field.

    Careers Prospects:

    Some examples of career opportunities after the successful completion of the course are listed below:

    -Game Industry: Programmer or Media Content Developer
    -Telematic/wireless: Applications Developer
    -E-Learning: Designer, E-Business Manager, Multi-Media Developer, etc...
    -Digital Libraries Developer
    -Further Research by PhD

    What are the course details?

    The digital content industry is enormously complex and varied, comprising a disparate range of services and products across a broad range of applications, platforms, tools, and industry sectors; embracing education, information, entertainment, and consumer and businessoriented content.

    -The programme learning outcomes define that at the end of the programme, students should:
    -Be aware of current and developing principles and practices of digital entertainment systems technologies
    -Have widened and deepened students' knowledge and skills in the areas of digital entertainment and its applications
    -Have been exposed to and applied a range of tools and techniques currently being used in the development of digital entertainment systems
    -Have critically analysed and developed a major piece of work in the area
    -Be able to understand current research issues in the relevant aspects of digital entertainment systems technologies
    -Be able to study independently and have developed research methodology skills
    -The course consists of the following core and option modules:


    -Research Methods
    -Multimedia Technology
    -Entertainment Systems Design and Development (Year long)


    -Multimedia Systems Development
    -Advanced Computer Graphics
    -Web Development Technologies
    -Management of E-Business
    -Software Development - Java
    -Forensic Computing


    -Entertainment Systems Design and Development (Year long)
    -Digital Sound Technology


    -Human Computer Interaction
    -Multimedia Database Systems
    -Advanced Multimedia Technology
    -Mobile Computing
    -Computer Visualisation and Animation
    -Virtual Reality
    -Online Gaming
    -Advanced Computer Games Technology
    -Project Dissertation
    -The module Entertainment Systems Design and Development is year long and has 30 credits.

    In Semester 1, full-time students normally study all the three core modules listed above and one option module selected. Part-time students normally study two core modules in the first year, and the third core module and one option module selected in the second year.

    In Semester 2, full-time students normally study the two core modules listed above and two option modules selected. Part-time students normally study the two core modules in the first year, and two option modules in the second year.

    For Project Dissertation, students normally complete their projects by the end of August, after the completion of all the four core and three selected option modules.

    Some details of the core modules and the brief summaries of the option modules for the course are given below:

    This module provides a grounding in research methods as they apply to
    research in computing and information systems. It outlines essential
    considerations when conducting experimental research, survey research,
    field research, etc., and allows an opportunity to analyse research papers
    and develop familiarity with research areas and approaches. It also
    provides students with an opportunity to plan and develop an individual
    research strategy suitable for a Master's dissertation.
    Topics studied include a variety of research methods and processes,
    general components of surveys and field studies, issues in problem
    analysis, topical research sources, and the requirements of a dissertation.

    This module offers an understanding of the current hardware for soundand video, and relevant software development tools for supporting the
    development of general integrated multimedia applications. It also covers
    the critical evaluation of multimedia technologies and associated
    standards. In particular, recent technologies such as virtual reality and the
    integrated use of various authoring tools are examined. Case studies are
    used for practical hands on experience of building and evaluating
    multimedia systems.

    Topics studied include media types and their attributes such as speech
    and moving images, analogue/digital conversion, hardware components
    such as sound cards, software components, virtual reality, tools and case

    This module develops a thorough understanding of the theory and
    practice of games design. Current approaches to games design are
    examined. Students will develop critical thought with regards to
    computer games design and will be able to appraise game designs
    throughout their various stages. Students will develop theoretical and
    practical design and implementation skills associated with games

    Topics studied include game theory, psychology and game design,
    working as part of a games team, principles of games design, content
    creation and modelling, physics and simulation, multimedia contents and
    game object systems.

    This module provides a detailed understanding of audio from a digital
    perspective. It examines the capture, processing, storage and output
    requirements for digital audio. Practical skills in digital audio manipulation
    and preparation are developed. The storage and compression techniques
    available for digital audio are discussed.

    Topics studied include analog sound, digital audio and A/D conversion,
    audio hardware, encoding and compression, digital signal processing and
    audio data, sound synthesis, 3D and positional audio, MIDI and audio

    This module is intended for post-graduate students interested in the field
    of forensic computing. The purpose of the module is to provide the
    fundamental technical concepts and research issues essential for
    computer forensic investigations within the organisation, law
    enforcement or national security.

    MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT offers understanding and skills
    in multimedia programming and design, and introduces recent
    developments in the subject area.

    ADVANCED COMPUTER GRAPHICS explains the principles and
    techniques underlying 3D computer graphics, develops programming
    skills in 3D graphics, and demonstrates advanced techniques for 3D
    rendering and modelling.

    WEB DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGIES examines modern computing
    architectures suitable for the development of large-scale, web based
    applications. It discusses the main concepts and technologies used in the
    development of such applications.

    MANAGEMENT OF E-BUSINESS provides students with an in-depth
    knowledge of e-business capabilities, enabling technologies and their
    management. Students will develop an ability to appraise critical business
    issues associated with e-business and related technologies, and will be
    able to assess concepts relevant to e-business life-cycle management.

    SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT-JAVA develops the skills needed for the
    design and implementation of object-oriented applications using the Java
    programming language.

    HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION provides students with design
    principles of user interfaces and multimedia techniques for building
    systems with good interactivity and usability.

    MULTIMEDIA DATABASE SYSTEMS examines the characteristics of
    multimedia data, the current trends in multimedia database systems, and
    the corresponding research issues.

    ADVANCED MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY This module offers a further
    understanding of multimedia systems, development of their relevant
    components, the need for synchronisation between various media types
    and the techniques for achieving it.

    MOBILE COMPUTING offers an advanced understanding of the theory and
    practice of mobile computing and an in-depth study of devices, applications
    and middleware services for support of mobile systems design.

    VIRTUAL REALITY offers students opportunities to develop skills in
    desktop virtual reality worlds construction and applications evaluation.

    computer animation techniques, e.g. motion control and deformation,
    animation of natural phenomena, and collision detection.

    ONLINE GAMING covers the various design and interactivity issues of
    multiplayer games, and also provides information on different facilities
    used for online gaming, including video game consoles, wireless devices,
    and the Internet.

    develops and
    understanding of advanced techniques applicable to game development
    and suitable solutions to a diverse range of advanced computer game
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