MSc-PgDip-PgCert in Crime and Criminal Justice.

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MSc-PgDip-PgCert in Crime and Criminal Justice.

  • Objectives These key questions and more are tackled in the University of Salford’s exciting MSc/PgDip/PgCert in Crime and Criminal Justice. This Masters level programme focuses on current controversies in criminal justice practice, particularly in England and Wales but with reference to other systems. Students will critique and engage in these debates, informed by both established theory and the latest research. This coursework-only programme offers excellent career prospects in criminal justice, as well as a platform for PhD research. Learning is in short six-week modules, mostly through evening lectures and workshops, and optional on-line discussion boards Applications are invited from students with a good Honours degree in a relevant subject area, usually in the humanities or social sciences. Students with other qualifications and relevant work experience will also be considered
  • Entry requirements The MSc/PgDip/PgCert Crime and Criminal Justice is aimed at students from a wide range of backgrounds. It offers an opportunity to those students who have some knowledge of criminology or criminal justice at undergraduate level to extend their knowledge of this field, possibly as a basis for post-graduate research. It is also particularly relevant to those engaged, or seeking employment, in criminal justice who wish to contextualise their work within the wider framework of contemporary debates, research and theory.
  • Academic title MSc/PgDip/PgCert in Crime and Criminal Justice.
  • Course description The full MSc programme includes eight modules (each lasting six weeks) and a dissertation. Students take six compulsory modules:

    -Debates on Crime and Society
    -Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice
    -New Studies on Imprisonment
    -Criminological Thought I
    -Criminological Thought II
    -Conducting Social Research

    Students then choose a further two modules from a wide choice of options, reflecting the research and writing expertise of teaching staff. Current options include:

    -Readings in Crime and Criminal Justice
    -Introduction to Statistical Analysis
    -Defining Homicide
    -Youth Crime and Justice
    -Qualitative Research Practice
    -The Logic of Violence

    Students will be advised as to the options available in each semester.

    Teaching Methods
    Modules are taught in the evening between 6pm and 9pm. Teaching is generally by lectures, seminars, workshops, and in the case of the dissertation, by personal supervision. Teaching utilises a wide variety of learning materials including examples from media, policy and practice, and will typically include visits to local criminal justice institutions. There are also occasional contributions from guest policy makers and researchers expert in this field.

    Students are also given the opportunity to engage in further on-line discussions, convened by course tutors, using web-based University discussion boards.

    All modules are assessed by coursework only. MSc students are required to produce a 14,000 word dissertation on a chosen area of specialism in crime and criminal justice.

    Length of Programme
    Entrance to the MSc/PgDip/PgCert is in September. Full-time MSc students complete eight modules (15 credits each) in two semesters and complete a dissertation (60 credits) by the end of the following September (12 months in total). Part-time students complete the eight modules over four semesters and complete their dissertation by the end of the September of their third and final year (36 months in total).

    PgDip and PgCert students follow corresponding patterns for full-time and part-time study, completing eight modules and four modules respectively, but are not required to submit a dissertation. PgCert and PgDip students who reach the required standard in their taught modules may be invited to upgrade their award and continue with their studies.
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