MSc-PGDip in Criminology, Criminal Justice and Social Research

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MSc-PGDip in Criminology, Criminal Justice and Social Research

  • Objectives This programme combines modules in academic criminology and the criminal justice system with training in the full range of qualitative and quantitative research methods. This combination of analytic criminological knowledge and applied research skills ensures that you will develop a sophisticated understanding of the key issues, problems and perspectives in contemporary criminology, enabling you to pursue a successful career in academia, policy research or as a practitioner in the criminal justice system. Our unique emphasis on research methodology means that you will be able to think logically and in an informed manner about criminological problems, and be able to design, conduct and manage effective research. The Department of Sociology received the highest possible score in the last Research Assessment Exercise (5*) and a high Teaching Quality Assessment score. Members of staff teaching on the programme are internationally recognised experts in the field of criminology, with experience of conducting research on a wide range of criminological topics including policing, prisons and offending.
  • Entry requirements The programme is aimed at graduates with an appropriate first degree who are interested in gaining advanced knowledge about issues connected with crime, deviance and control; graduates and practitioners conducting research on the criminal justice system or considering a PhD in this area; and practitioners in the criminal justice system and related government and voluntary agencies who wish to develop and expand their knowledge of the wider issues connected to crime and its control. Graduates of Criminology and Criminal Justice have been appointed to the Home Office, the Ministry of Defence, voluntary sector organisations dealing with the victims of domestic violence, four different police forces and private consultancy companies.
  • Academic title MSc/PGDip in Criminology, Criminal Justice and Social Research
  • Course description MSc/PGDip in Criminology, Criminal Justice and Social Research Module overview

    Core Assessed Modules

    Crime and Offending
    This module focuses on the nature and extent of crime and offending, drugs and antisocial behaviour and the strategies to prevent and reduce the occurrence of crime.

    Criminal Justice System
    This module focuses on all the key components of the criminal justice system: policing and the police, the courts and sentencing, prisons, probation and community penalties.

    Criminological Theory
    Students gain familiarity with the main theories that have been proposed to explain criminal behaviour and justify punishment and other responses to offending.

    Data Analysis
    The aim of this module is to provide students with a grounding in the basic principles of data analysis and statistical methods.

    Field Methods
    This module aims to provide students with a firm methodological basis for conducting various forms of qualitative analysis. Principal data sources are observational fieldnotes, interview transcripts and video.

    Group Research Project: Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice
    Students work in small groups to research a contemporary issue in criminology and present their findings at the Departmental Day Conference in the spring.

    Law, Society and Social Control
    This module explores how law and other modes of social control relate to the institutional and interactional orders of modern and late-modern societies.

    Research and Evaluation in Crime and Criminal Justice
    This module addresses some of the major methodological, technical and practical aspects of research and evaluation in criminology.

    Students individually research a topic and prepare a dissertation of not more than 15,000 words.

    Other Unassessed Modules
    -Data Management Using Qualitative Software
    -Data Management Using SPSS
    -Dissertation Workshops
    -Managing Research and the Publication Process
    -Workshops in Advanced Methods
    -Statistical Modelling

    Typical entry requirements
    Applications are welcomed from those who have a first degree in criminology, social or behavioural sciences, law or a related discipline, or a professional qualification or experience relevant to the MSc degree. Overseas students are asked to provide a full academic transcript and evidence of fluency in English if relevant.
    Programme length
    12 months full-time, 24 months part-time
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