MSc Occupational And Environmental Health And Safety Management

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MSc Occupational And Environmental Health And Safety Management

  • Entry requirements If you are working currently, or have recent experience within health and safety, occupational hygiene or environmental management and wish to continue working while studying for an academic award, this course is intended for you. We also consider applications from graduates in other disciplines or with appropriate alternative qualifications and experience.
  • Academic title MSc Occupational And Environmental Health And Safety Management
  • Course description Phase 1
    For Phase 1 (PgC level) you must complete the following four units to qualify for a Postgraduate Certificate in Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety Management or continue to Phase 2.

    Quality and the Management of Risk (MAN1)
    Will provide you with sufficient knowledge of organisational structures and behaviour to manage work issues, particularly quality, effectively. Using appropriate case studies, you will explore organisational theory until you can engage in debate, formulate sustainable theories of your own and test them against current management practice.

    Health and Safety 1 (HS1)
    Will give you a comprehensive overview of modern health and safety practice in a variety of work environments. Its first aim is to present a legislative and practical basis for further health and safety studies within the programme. The second is to encourage you to examine workplace conditions and risk management policies critically.

    Occupational Hygiene 1 (OH1)
    Explores the role of the occupational hygienist in reducing work-related ill health. You will assess risks to health from chemical, biological and physical agents, their monitoring and control. You should then be able to make informed contributions to policy-making processes.

    Environmental Legislation and Management Systems (ELMS)
    Provides an analysis of the legislative controls and frameworks governing environmental protection for small, medium and large organisations. You will study four elements: environmental legislation, environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment. The unit forms a knowledge base from which an environmental manager can develop and implement successful ‘green’ policies and practices within an organisation. Consideration is given to environmental risk, environmental decision-making and integrated management techniques.

    Phase 2
    Completion of Phase 2 (PgD level) will result in a Postgraduate Diploma and allow you to progress to Phase 3 (MSc level).

    Core units for the PgD or MSc Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety Management are:

    Occupational Hygiene 2 or Ergonomics

    Health and Safety 2

    Pollution Control and Monitoring
    Optional units for the PgD or MSc Occupational Health and Safety are:

    -Construction Safety
    -Employment and Contract Law
    -Statistics and Epidemiology

    You must also undertake a research methods course and complete a Case Study/Project Proposal or Work Based Learning Project Specification, which is compulsory for all students seeking an MSc award.

    Phase 3
    In Phase 3 (MSc Level) you must complete a Work Based Research Independent Project or a Work Based Learning Project

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