MSc Management Development

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MSc Management Development

  • Objectives Candidates who are successful in all the taught modules without a dissertation submission may be eligible for a Postgraduate Diploma in Management Development.
  • Entry requirements The MSc Management Development is relevant to participants from a range of academic disciplines, as well as people currently employed in, or preparing for, a career in management. Its nature and learning style make it appropriate for those working in the private sector as well as small and medium size enterprises, education, health and other public services. The course effectively manages the tension between a critical review of current management thinking, and an environment for improving management performance in the context of accelerating change.
  • Academic title MSc Management Development
  • Course description What will I study?

    Although the course is structured around discrete modules, the focus in practice is holistic. The module programmes can be viewed as perspectives on management, rather than compartmentalised courses in their own right, making the experience for participants progressive and developmental.

    How will I study?

    The course aims to help participants to develop their management knowledge and performance in a supportive and positive environment. You will be expected to undertake a critical and evaluative review of current management theory through a variety of teaching and learning strategies which include work based reflective learning, individual research, group work, simulation, case studies, lectures, seminars and workshops.

    How will I be assessed?

    Assessment is based on coursework from each of the ten modules, plus the dissertation.

    If you graduated from Edge Hill in 2007 or 2008, you can benefit from a 50% reduction in tuition fees when enrolling on this MSc Management Development programme.


    BMS401 Managing Change provides a critical, reflective and evaluative review of both the foundation of, and the current arguments surrounding the management of change. In an action-learning environment, you will critically examine theories of change and key management issues. You will have the opportunity to review current internal and external drivers of change in your own and colleagues' organisations and to evaluate the change processes within those specific contexts.

    BMS402 The Reflective Management Practitioner considers how learning underpins the operations of all successful organizations. It takes place on a continuum from the micro - the individual employee, to the macro - organisational learning. It is vital that every manager should have an awareness of how to harness the potential of learning and to enhance their skills of reflection; the flexibility to adopt appropriate learning strategies to different situations; and the ability to use learning within the management of change for the benefit of themselves, their co-workers, the organization and the broader environment.

    Participants will work in small groups and in action learning-sets and will consider major areas of theory and practice relating to self, small group and organisational learning and apply these in the context of your work-based experiences.

    You will have the opportunity to discuss, experiment and test ideas and theories in a safe and supportive environment using the knowledge, abilities and skills of both participants and tutors.

    BMS403 Strategic Management looks at how strategy, tactics, planning and decisions are part of everyday life. In dynamic and challenging industries it is essential that organizations gain advantages over competitors operating in the market place and managers understand how effective strategy formulation and implementation can determine success.

    You will have the opportunity to critically analyse and challenge a range of strategic management concepts, theories and perspectives and analyse these in the context of your own organization, those of participants and the wider competitive environment.

    BMS404 Information, Communication and Decision Making Decision-making forms an integral component of the management function. Your will begin by analysing rational decision-making in relation to different types of organisation (ie SMEs, public sector, private sector, etc.). Other contextual factors (social, economic, etc.) influencing the decision-making approach adopted by individuals are also examined.

    The module goes on to consider the nature and dynamics of group decision-making and the role of information. This covers both the informal and formal collection of information. Particular emphasis will be placed on the role of quantitative information; the use of information and communications technology; and the utilisation of more intuitive forms of decision-making.

    BMS405 Organisational Research The ability to both undertake and evaluate research are key skills in both academic and vocational contexts.

    Your ability to apply an analytical approach to researching and investigating management and organisational issues in the workplace is a key managerial skill, which can be developed by an understanding of the main issues, and skills surrounding organisational research.

    An understanding of the factors underpinning the production of research (and therefore theory) will develop your ability to critically analyse published research and theory in all aspects of your work.

    BMS406 The Future of Work explores the changing nature of work and the ways in which work is defined, differentiated, organised and valued at both a micro and macro level. The changing nature of society will be considered as well as the impacts of an increasingly diverse labour force and changing labour market.

    You will explore alternative arrangements for organising work in the future and will consider issues and experiences drawn form both the Voluntary Sector and the emerging Social Enterprise Sector. It draws upon literature that develops new ways of thinking about the organisation of work and how work of the future might be conceptualised and valued. The module seeks to locate a sense of 'self' within this by linking the academic material to the 'lived experience' of the participants on the module.

    BMS407 Corporate Social Responsibility has become a significant development on the business agenda. You will explore responsible business practice and sustainable development issues through a range of explanations and perspectives. Power and accountability both at the micro level of the organisation and at the macro political level, and their impact as strategic management issues will be investigated.

    Historic and contemporary industrial and ecological approaches and events will be examined as case studies and you will have the opportunity to critically review the effects of these, both at the level of the organisation and then at the wider levels of society and the environment.

    BMS408 Global Organisational Issues provides a framework for critical understanding of global trends and the dynamics of global interdependence and global interconnectedness. You will be introduced to issues of global inequality, the role of MNCs, world trade, sustainable development, regionalisation - the development of the European Union and the rise of the Asia-Pacific and China - the global shift in manufacturing and management across cultures.

    The module adopts a multidisciplinary approach to explore the various economic, technological, cultural and political dimensions of globalisation. You will be encouraged to critically reflect on the complexity and diversity of global influences and their impact on business, society and organisation.

    BMS409 Managing Equalities By providing an understanding of the different approaches to equality around race, gender, disability, age and sexuality exploring the underpinning theory and concepts, alongside a critical examination of the law, the course will provide a framework for understanding the role and application of equality concepts within management and public service. The application of equality through management will be examined through the developing debate on 'equality as quality' and this will involve a detailed examination of equality in quality management and the management of change.

    BMS410 Managing Partnerships locates the present trend in the wider context of change in the public and voluntary sector over the past 25 years. In particular, the module will examine these changes in public sector management by placing the move towards partnerships as part of a wider process.

    You will explore the implications of change in professional roles and boundaries; the growth in performance management; and the shift towards user involvement in decision making, the move away from traditional forms of organisation and delivery, the expansion in 'stand alone' agencies or collaborative arrangements to provide services and implications these changes have for the governance of public sector agencies and the management of services. You will be encouraged to reflect upon the implications of these changes not only for your own organisation but also for your practice.

    BMS411 Project Management has been designed to develop your understanding of project management and its application to public service organisations. The restructuring of public services over the past two decades have placed management and management methods at the centre of debates about policy formulation and service delivery.

    The course is designed to develop an understanding and critical awareness of the emerging management culture within public services. The rapidly changing context within, which public services are organised and delivered, means that managers need to be reflective and reflexive in their adoption of management methods. To do this they need to understand the broad context within which management change is taking place and the theoretical underpinning of the management approach that is being adopted.

    BMS412 Managing Capacity Building addresses a core dilemma for the sector, to engage with governmental initiatives and to retain independence. You will explore the implications of such changes for practice and agency, the shift towards the incorporation of the sector into government initiatives and the implications this has for the management, governance and independence of the sectors.

    The module will, also, expect and invite you to reflect upon your own practice and to examine critically the shift from community development to capacity building and the implications this has for an increasingly 'professionalised' workforce. This latter development illustrates one aspect of a changing and evaluating context to practice. It also highlights a key theme of the module, which is capacity building for whom and for what.

    BMS501 Dissertation is a central component of the Masters programme. It enables you to conceptualise, develop and realise a significant piece of primary research. The work developed can range from library research/archival research through to action-research projects involving qualitative and/or quantitative methods. It builds on the foundation taught course particularly the theoretical, policy and methodological elements. You will have the opportunity to select a topic that will reflect and be directly relevant to an identifiable area within the curriculum content. You will work closely with supervisors and other members of your peer group in the development of research skills and in meeting the demands of a sustained project.
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