MSc in Marine Resource Management

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MSc in Marine Resource Management

  • Objectives This 12 month taught postgraduate programme is one degree within the Environmental Management Programme (EMP) run jointly with the School of Civil Engineering and the Environment. The umbrella (EMP) programme delivers a portfolio of postgraduate degrees within the Environmental Sciences and is supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Graduate students from a variety of science and engineering backgrounds are introduced to basic concepts in marine science which are then augmented by an understanding and application of resource management issues. Students can choose to specialise in particular pathways through the programme including environmental and resource-based approaches to the subject.
  • Entry requirements Entry requirement is a BSc (Hons) degree (2.1) or its equivalent from European and non-European universities in an appropriate discipline (chemistry, biology, physics, Earth and environmental sciences, engineering, oceanography or mathematics). A solid background in mathematics at the undergraduate level and familiarity with computers will also be required.
  • Academic title MSc in Marine Resource Management
  • Course description MSc in Marine Resource Management Course Content

    In Semester 1 students must complete:

    Environment Audit & Risk Assessment
    Contemporary Topics

    Depending on the students background knowledge, they must complete either two or four of the introductory modules leaving one/two option(s) to be chosen from an approved list.

    -Introductory Modules
    -Introduction to Biological Oceanography
    -Introduction to Physical Oceanography
    -Introduction to Chemical Oceanography
    -Introduction to Marine Geology

    Module Options

    -Coastal Sediment Dynamics
    -Contemporary Global Environmental Issues
    -Applied & Marine Geophysics
    -Large Scale Ocean Processes
    -Biogeochemical Cycles in the Earth System
    -Deep Sea Ecology
    -Zooplankton Ecology & Processes
    -Introduction to Remote Sensing
    -International Maritime and Environmental Law

    In Semester 2, all modules are short intensive courses delivered over a three week period. There are two compulsory modules and a choice of one further module from:

    -Applied Sediment Dynamics
    -Global Ocean Monitoring
    -Radar Remote Sensing of the Oceans
    -Structure & Dynamics of Marine Communities
    -Applied Biogeochemistry & Pollution
    -Environmental Radioactivity & Radiochemistry
    -UN Convention on the Law of the Seas (UNCLOS)
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