MSc Housing Studies

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MSc Housing Studies

  • Objectives Graduates of our housing programmes find themselves promoted to a variety of different posts at management and director level not just in housing organisations, but across the public and private sectors
  • Entry requirements Applicants will normally have a cognate* first degree.*Certain degrees and HNCs provide an obvious link to housing qualifications such as Social Policy, Social Sciences, Politics, Human Geography, Law, Estate Management, and Building. Others are clearly not relevant such as science and mathematics. However, there are a large number which fall within these two extremes and may be cognate but require more in depth evaluation to determine their cognate status such as English Literature, Languages, Accountancy, and Humanities. Those with substantial housing experience will also be considered on an individual basis. Non-cognate degree holders are required to undertake the one year Graduate Conversion Course (GCC), prior to enrolment. Applicants with other relevant experience and/or qualifications may be admitted to the course at the discretion of De Montfort University’s admissions panel.
  • Academic title MSc Housing Studies
  • Course description Programme

    The CIH MSc comprises three core modules (2x 30 credits and 1x 15 credits), plus a further three option modules (15 credits each)

    Students are sent study materials and assignment details and are linked to a tutor who provides academic support over the telephone, by post and by e-mail.

    Year One modules:

    -Context of Housing
    -Choice of two modules from: Housing with Care and Support; Planning and Development; Regeneration and Sustainable Neighbourhoods; Customer and Neighbourhood Services; Asset Management; or Finance for Housing.

    Year Two modules:

    -Housing Organisations
    -Housing Research
    -Choice of one module from: Housing with Care and Support; Planning and Development; Regeneration and Sustainable Neighbourhoods; Customer and Neighbourhood Services; Asset Management; or Finance for Housing.

    Access to email and the internet are requirements of the course. Assessment is entirely in the form of assignments issued by the CIH.

    In addition to allocating students with a tutor the CIH Distance Learning Centre requires students to attend an Induct
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