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MSc Health Psychology
You will explore the relationship between the psychological process and health states, and the ways in which psychology can be applied to promote and protect people's health. You will develop sound research abilities and understand how psychology can be integrated into the organisation and delivery of healthcare services.
Entry requirements
Applicants should have at least a second class honours degree in psychology and the Graduate Basis for Registration as recognised by the British Psychological Society. Applicants with other degrees are invited to call the admission enquiries number to discuss possible additional requirements for entry.
Academic title
MSc Health Psychology
Course description
This MSc has been designed to meet the growing need for graduates with an advanced knowledge of how psychology informs health-related topics.
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Biopsychological Perspectives on Health Behaviour
You will be able to develop an understanding of the relationship between the neurophysiological, neuroanatomical, neurochemical and hormonal correlates of health and illness behaviour.
Current Topics in Health Psychology
You will be introduced to contemporary topics in health and illness, such as complementary medicine or body and embodiment.
Health Psychology: Context, Models and Applications
This module offers you an insight into the historical and cultural background of the theoretical and applied aspects of health psychology. It will also prepare you theoretically and practically for functioning in different health care contexts, and for designing and/or evaluating specific applications or interventions.
Social and Lifespan Approaches in Health Psychology
This module will focus on the social psychological processes contributing to the perception and control of health-related behaviour along the lifespan continuum.
Applied Research Methods
This module offers you experience with three components of the research process: qualitative and quantitative methods and a dissertation proposal.
Health Psychology Project
You will conduct a self-initiated substantial research project which will be written up as a journal paper.
Assessments methods are varied and include seen exams, poster presentations, essays, reviews, communication skills exercise and projects.
You will be expected to spend a full 40-hour work week on your studies. This includes attending classes.
You will be required to buy a videotape, SPSS software and the necessary paper, pencil, folders and a data storage device (CD-ROM or memory stick). Recommended books are available in the library.
Course structure
The course comprises six core modules including Biopsychological Perspectives on Health Behaviour, Social and Lifespan Approaches in Health Psychology and Current Issues in Health Psychology plus a final research project. You will also have the opportunity to work with patients in local hospitals.
Professional accreditation
This course is accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS) and meets Stage 1 criteria for Chartered Health Psychologist status.
After Stage 1, students can become Chartered Health Psychologists by completing the Doctorate in Health Psychology or by passing the examination of the BPS Stage 2 route.
Other programs related to health psychology
Institution: Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Health and Applied Social Sciences
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