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MSc Ecology
* Provide the opportunity for students to extend their knowledge of ecology beyond the first degree level (there is no major element taught in common with undergraduate courses) and obtain training at an advanced level in ecological ideas and research methods (areas include sytems, community, evolutionary, population and molecular ecology). * Develop a student's understanding of the interaction between ecology and related disciplines, such as genetics and evolution, and the impact of recent theoretical and technical (e.g. numerical and molecular) developments. * Develop a student's transferable skills, critical approach to the subject, ability to work as a member of a team, and ability to communicate in writing and speech. * Provide the opportunity for students to enhance the skills used in employment in an ecological post and enhance their ability to carry out research for a higher degree in ecology and related areas.
Entry requirements
Entry A degree or equivalent, preferably in a biological subject, is required.
Academic title
MSc Ecology
Course description
The course is composed of a modular taught component and a research dissertation. The taught component covers a broad range of topics including behavioural ecology, evolutionary ecology, molecular ecology, wetland ecology, microbial ecology, seashore ecology and core skills. This broad approach overviews the subject from systems, through communities to populations and individuals. The taught component involves local field work and the opportunity for a tropical field course in Dominica.
Compulsory modules
* Core Skills
* Interactions
* Ecosystems and Plant Communities
* Evolutionary Ecology
* Population and Molecular Ecology
* Dissertation
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Other programs related to science & environment
Institution: University of Southampton, Faculty of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, School of Civil Engineering and the Enviroment
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