MSc-Diploma in Operational Research and Finance

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MSc-Diploma in Operational Research and Finance

  • Objectives This programme in Operational Research (OR) and Finance is designed to provide a firm grounding in financial knowledge suitable for a career in financial institutions, while combining this with training in a broad range of additional numerate skills covering mathematical modelling and optimization. You will be provided with training and education in the techniques, method and approaches of operational research, together with their application to practical problems arising in organisational contexts, and in financial markets and corporate finance. The structure allows you to select options from a range of additional topics as well as further aspects of operational research. While studying for your degree, you will develop key work skills, such as written and oral communication, presentation skills, the use of IT, teamwork, time management, and basic research skills including the use of the web and the library. The aims of the programme are to: -introduce you to the ideas of mathematical model building; -introduce you to the main techniques, methods and approaches of operational research emphasising both the underlying concepts and their practical application; -introduce you to the operation of financial and derivative markets; -introduce you to the fundamentals of corporate finance; -offer you the opportunity to study more specialised topics selected from a range of options, within a coherent framework; -develop your skill for problem solving, including modelling of deterministic and stochastic systems, and designing solution approaches; -give you the practical experience of applying the problem–solving skills you have learned, by working on a project, normally with an external organisation;* -develop key transferable skills, including personal organisation, teamwork, finding and using information, and written and oral communication. (* Applies only to the programme leading to the award of MSc.)
  • Entry requirements The OR approach usually starts by building a model of the system or problem of interest. The model is then analysed, and a suitably chosen solution technique is selected or designed. For this programme, many of the models are for financial problems. The programme requires numeracy skills, and is suited to students who enjoy problem solving. However, a first degree in Mathematics is not essential; a degree in business, computer science, quantitative economics, engineering, physics or statistics may form an acceptable entry qualification.
  • Academic title MSc/Diploma in Operational Research and Finance
  • Course description Programme Structure

    The full-time MSc programme is completed over a 12-month period. There are two semesters of taught material, lasting for just over 8 months, which account for 120 credit points (Diploma level). The MSc programme is completed subject to achievement of progression requirements with a project lasting over 3 months.

    The Diploma programme comprises the two semesters of taught material, with examinations at the end of each semester.

    Compulsory Courses

    Courses in the School of Mathematics Credit points
    -Deterministic OR Methods
    -Stochastic OR Methods
    -Statistical Methods
    -Spreadsheets and Visual Basic for Applications
    -Stock Market and Equity Derivatives
    -Corporate Finance
    -Stock Market and Equity Derivatives
    Optional Courses (Courses selected must total 28 Credit points)

    Options in the School of Mathematics Credit points
    -Mathematical Programming
    -Data Mining
    -Computer Analysis of Data Models 
    Options in the School of Management Credit points

    -Financial Risk Management
    -Corporate Finance
    -Credit Scoring
    -Accounting and Control

    It may be possible to take other options that are available to students on the MSc/Diploma programme in Operational Research. However, the total number of Credit points for the options taken must be 28.
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