Entry requirementsEntry requirements An undergraduate degree in dentistry with, in addition, a minimum of two years' postgraduate experience. Note that this programme is open to UK and EU dental practitioners only.
This programme provides clinical academic teaching in one of the clinical specialties of endodontics, periodontics, fixed and removable prosthodontics, paediatric dentistry, or special needs dentistry. The programme is designed for those with a basic dental qualification and a minimum of two years' postgraduate experience who wish to develop specialist knowledge in one of the above specialty areas and become a 'practitioner with a special interest'.
The academic programme is delivered as three courses:
* Core course - including essential core topics in health science, basic science, and research science
* One specialty course chosen from endodontics, periodontics, fixed and removable prosthodontics, paediatric dentistry or special needs dentistry
* Research course involving an audit/research project.
Teaching methods include tutorials, seminars, workshops, formative assignments. These utilise the Dental School's interactive learning environment MOODLE.
The student will be encouraged to use formal reflection to complement traditional learning methods.